Journal: Is US Destabilizing Baluchistan to Take Over Gwadar Port? Is the Terrorist Iran Just Captured a CIA Asset? Is China Going to Sit Still?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Iran, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Military, Strategy
Webster Griffin Tarpley

The Battle for Baluchistan: Iran Nabs Top NATO Terrorist with Help from Pakistan

February 25, 2010

On Tuesday Feb. 23, Iran announced the capture of Abdulmalek Rigi, the boss of the terror organization Jundullah, which works for NATO. The capture of Rigi represents a serious setback for the US-UK strategy of using false flag state-sponsored terrorism against Iran and Pakistan, and ultimately to sabotage China’s geopolitics of oil.

Strategic Port Gwadar

Phi Beta Iota: Dr. Tarpley's complete overview is well worth reading and we also recommend watching the short video of his interview with Russian television.  To the right  is a snapshot of the Port of Gwadar linked to its Wikipedia page–we have felt for some time that the USA is over-extended, out-foxed, and fooling no one, least of all the Chinese.

Strategic Port Gwadar

When US supply ships start going dead in the water from electromagnetic scrambling of their propulsion and navigation systems, we will know that China has had enough of this foolishness.  The days of secure non-attributable false flag operations are OVER.

MILNET Headlines, 25 February 2010


Afghanistan:  Night Raids Violate Afghans’ Deepest Moral Code

Cloud:  Ranum& Peterson Vidoe on Cloud Computing

Commentary:  Opinion: Running Out of Time

Copyright:  New ACTA Leak–U.S., Korea, Singapore, Denmark Do Not Support  Transparency

Cyber-Security:  Cybersecurity Coordinator Lacks Accountability

Cyber-Security:  Federal Regulation Urged on Cybersecurity

Cyber-Security:  Software Defects Threaten Census Rollout

Cyber-Security:  US Would Lose Cyberwar

Cyber-Security: Data Security Basics Still Trip Up Federal Agencies

Disaster:  Disaster Awaits Cities in Earthquake Zone

Geospatial:  Using Google Earthh and GPS to Track Afghan Cash

Homeland Security Contractors Outnumber Civilian Employees

Homeland Security:  E-Verify misses half of illegal workers

Homeland Security:  Napolitano Acknowledged Radicalized Islamist TerrorismThreat

Microsoft:  MS Relents on Cryptome

Microsoft:  Whistleblower Site Back After Mocrosft Withdraws Complaint

Privacy:  Security Expert: Obama Order Resembles Controversial Bush-Era Data-Mining Tool

US Military:  Both Left and Right are Wrong About Drones

Journal: England to Lose Falkland Islands/Malvinas Over Oil–China Triumphant by 2020


South Atlantic: Britain May Provoke New Conflict With Argentina–Chinese Analysis of Region's Value (, 24 Feb 10)

CFK ‘very happy' with massive support over Malvinas claim (Buenos Aires Herald, 23 Feb 10)

Venezuela calls for removal of submarine platform in Malvinas(Falkland) Islands (People's Daily China, 23 Feb 10)

The Big Question: Could oil exploration of the Falklands lead to a renewal of hostilities? (The Independent, 23 Feb 10)

British Site, Argentine Content

Drilling for oil begins off the Falkland Islands (BBC 22 Feb 10)

Argentinians invade Falkland Islands website (The Register, 22 Feb 10)

Cuba pushes Latin American cooperation without U.S. (Reuters, 20 Feb 10)

Falkland Islands: Oil boom or no oil boom? (BBC 18 Feb 10)

Argentina blocks shipment in flap over Falklands (AFP 11 Feb 10)

Britain VS Argentina-2025, Britain losses!? (Answers, 20 Jan 10)

Chinese in Argentina (DanWei, 13 Jan 09)

Geography 101:  Australia is best path to Soiuth Pole for UK, China will use Argentina, USA will not have any influence of note.

NIGHTWATCH: Pakistani Education as Weapon Against USA–The Failure of US Militarization

04 Education

Pakistan: Memorizing the Qur’an, but not learning multiplication or even how to write

Pakistan: Special note. The second part of yesterday’s PBS show Frontline concerned the condition of the public school system in Pakistan. It has collapsed in nearly every respect.

The video report noted that nearly half of the 65 million school age kids in Pakistan do not attend public schools. It did not follow-up that datum to report that a large percentage of the children not in public school learn to read and write in religious schools associated with mosque. The madrasah teaches boys and girls to read, write and recite the Quran, among other basics. In many regions and cities of Pakistan, attendance at the madrasah is the only path to semi-literacy for the children of the poor.

The collapse of the public school system has been the subject of editorials and studies for decades.  The video report was not newsworthy on that account. It was significant that the overcrowded, open air school that was the subject of the video is in Lahore, one of the largest cities of Pakistan. The visual setting looked like a remote tribal village, not part of a large urban center.

Of great interest were the reporter’s brief interviews with a pre-teen Pakistani girl who attended the open air school in Lahore.  The girl believed in education and said she wanted to be a teacher. Concerning the US, she said her teacher told her to hate America.

Continue reading “NIGHTWATCH: Pakistani Education as Weapon Against USA–The Failure of US Militarization”

Journal: Cuba Makes Its Move–Hasta La Vista OAS?

07 Venezuela, 08 Wild Cards, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Strategy
Full Story Online

There is no reason why Latin America and the Caribbean should not have their own body of political consensus

Boys on the Beach

Speech by General of the Army Raúl Castro Ruz, president of the Councils of State and Ministers, at the plenary session of the Summit of Latin America and Caribbean Unity, February 23, 2010

The decision that we have just adopted to create the Community pf Latin American and Caribbean States is of great historical significance.

Cuba considers that the conditions are present to rapidly advance toward the constitution of a purely Latin American and Caribbean regional organization, comprising and representing the 33 independent nations of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Continue reading “Journal: Cuba Makes Its Move–Hasta La Vista OAS?”

MILNET Headlines, 24 February 2010


Bush-Obama Share Lawyers:  My Gift to President Obama

Corporate Misbehavior:  Blackwater in Kabul, or Eric Cartman gets an AK-47

Corporate Misbehavior: Microsoft Takes Down Whistleblower Site, Read the Secret Doc Here

Corporate Misbehavior: Must Watch TV: Blackwater’s ‘Team South Park’ vs the Senate

Cyber-Security: Avoiding a Digital Dark Age

Cyber-Security: Determining the motives for cyberattacks can be tricky

Cyber-Security: FTC Warns Of Widespread Data Breaches

Cyber-Security: Time to Regulate Internet Security?

Cyber-Smarts: White House, NIST launch online forum to collect public input on smart grid

Homeland Security:  Recovery: Eight Principles Vs 12 Steps

Iraq:  Iraq’s Known Unknowns, Still Unknown

Iraq: Extending Our Stay in Iraq

Satellite Mess:  Space Junk Mess Getting Messier in Orbit

Spy versus Spy:  Son of Hamas Founder Spied for Israel More Than a Decade

US Economy:  How Long Can US Dollar Defy Gravity?

US Intelligence:  More Satellites Will Act as Eyes for Troops

US Law and Terrorism:Before Justices, First Amendment and Aid to Terrorists

US State Rights: Fearing Obama Agenda, States Push to Loosen Gun Laws

Journal: Vermont Flexes Its Righteous Muscles

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

Full Story Online

Vermont Senate Votes to Close Nuclear Plant

MONTPELIER, Vt. — In an unusual state foray into nuclear regulation, the Vermont Senate voted 26 to 4 Wednesday to block a license extension for the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant, citing radioactive leaks, misstatements in testimony by plant officials and other problems.

Phi Beta Iota: America is fed up with an inept and corrupt federal government that can no longer be trusted to uphold the public interest; and with corporations that lie to the public and constantly manipulate ownership entities to avoid responsibility and liability.  Vermont is the canary in the coal mine–it is the most likely to nullify federal laws and it is the most like to announce its secession from the United STATES of America absent a radical resurrection of the integrity of the electoral process and the three branches of government.  “Home Rule” is a meme that is spreading fast across America, with corporations learning that they must legally give up their ill-gotten personality status to do business in particular counties; this is complemented by the “move money home” movement and the “buy local” movement.

See also:

Vermont Second Republic

Secession Movement Spreads

Vermont Secession Movement Gains Traction

Nine Statewide Candidates Push for Secession from Union