Matthew Ehret: Plato and Confucius, Spiritual Brothers and Philosopher Kings Living at Two Ends of the World Island

Plato and Confucius, Spiritual Brothers and Philosopher Kings Living at Two Ends of the World Island In this Rising Tide Foundation lecture, Dr. Quan Le breaks the commonly held belief that the west and east are organized by two fundamentally opposing paradigms of Confucian pragmatism on the one side in opposition to Platonic idealism on the other. …

Tom Atlee: Intercentricity (Part 2a): Examples – from activism to love and spirituality

Intercentricity (Part 2a): Examples – from activism to love and spirituality In my last post I introduced basic principles of intercentricity – a dynamic worldview of reciprocal aliveness. In this post and the next, I explore how that worldview plays out in a number of diverse realms. It’s a bit long, so I’ve divided it …