Collective Evolution: Newly Discovered “Co-Orbital Objects” Could Be Extraterrestrial Probes Watching Us

Extraterrestial Intelligence

Newly Discovered “Co-Orbital Objects” Could Be Extraterrestrial Probes Watching Us

  • The Facts:A recently published paper by Physicist Dr James Benford in the Astronomical Journal hypothesizes that newly discovered near-Earth objects (there are many thousands) might be a hub for extraterrestrial ‘probes' to monitor the human race.
  • Reflect On:Given what's been disclosed, and what's being disclosed about life on other planets and intelligent life perhaps visiting our planet, and life that has been visiting for a long time, is this theory really “out there?”

Richard Sauder: Overview of Secret Deep Underground and Underwater Bases Connected by Mag-Lev Trains & Tunnels

03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Government

Richard Sauder, PhD Biography Page

There are a great many underground and underwater tunnels and facilities. They can be impressively large and deep. Depths can easily
range to one vertical mile underground, which is comparative child's play for the technology in the Black Budget world, and even deeper.

Installations can also sprawl for miles, with many levels. The massive facility beneath the Catoctin Mountains in Maryland is just one example of many. People have no idea what kind of deep labyrinth is beneath Camp David and under the surrounding region. I have informally been told that some bases are miles deep.

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Daniel Ellsberg: Why Not End Nuclear Spending & Secrecy?

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Daniel Ellsberg

Interview with legendary whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg following his 89th arrest for resisting nuclear weapons, nuclear war and government secrecy

One of the things I learned today from talks given at Lawrence Livermore Labs was that for the past seven years, each budget for nuclear weapons has increased. In particular it was true in 2015 under Obama, who increased it to over Cold War levels. The peak of Cold War spending was in 1985. Spending went down with the fall of the Soviet Union until the second Bush came into power. We’re back at Cold War levels, $9 billion per year. From 2015 till now, each year the budget has risen. It didn’t start under Trump. But right now, under Trump, we are budgeting 40% higher than in the Cold War. It is obscene, it is crazy, it is wrong.

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Yoda: Whither Our Understanding on Extraterrestrials, Human Trafficking, and Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)?

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Alert Ready writes in:

David Icke makes the point over and over that people fear consequences from speaking up but consequences do take care of themselves as they speak louder and louder.  David Icke went so far that, had he ever weakened in his resolve and steadfastness, he would be gone by now.

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Kerry Cassidy: Fake Alien Invasion to Cover Up Real Alien Battles? Robert Steele Comments

Extraterrestial Intelligence
Kerry Cassidy


Article by Kerry Cassidy

Project Blue Beam as the fake alien invasion is known has been on the books as a strong possibility for as many years as I have been researching this sector (at least 20) and is now being reviewed by top military according to Randy and another source, Simon Parkes. Parkes states that it is now supposedly the “good guys” on the Trump/Navy side of the spectrum who are now considering this alternative to usher in the space age and wake up humanity whereas it used to be a focus of the dark side.

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