Review: For a New Critique of Political Economy by Bernard Stiegler

4 Star, Economics

Bernard Stiegler

4 Stars Brilliant Vital Focus on Human Contributions to Economic Wealth Creation, Turgid Beyond Comprehension

The only thinig worse that reading a book in turgid academic French ( which I cannot do) is reading the same book translated into turgid academic English — turgid on steroids. This book could have been a ten page articulation of its core concept, that political economy needs to be rooted in the actual time-energy-intellect-spirit of each of the humans engaged in any process, rather than what we have today, where the financialization of the economy and the legalization of all forms of cheating and corruption, have impoverished and dispossessed the 99% for the benefit of the 1%.

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Review: Hidden in Plain Sight – Beyond the X-Files

4 Star, Intelligence (Extra-Terrestrial), Military & Pentagon Power, Power (Pathologies & Utilization)
Amazon Page

Richard Sauder, PhD

4 Stars – The most recent of three books, the one to read if you read only one, but does NOT repeat all the maps, photos, and diagrams from first two

This book was published in 2010 and is the most recent of the three books that I bought and read, all quick reads.

It covers underground bases, undersea bases, long range magnetic levitation and pneumatic tunnel high-speed transport, and extraterrestials.

The author offers a conversational presentation, he does not use hyperbole, and does  his best to be balanced with what he can show is known.

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Review: Underwater and Underground Bases

4 Star, Intelligence (Extra-Terrestrial), Military & Pentagon Power, Power (Pathologies & Utilization)
Amazon Page

Richard Sauder, PhD

4 Star Second book in series, focus on underwater cities and bases with emphasis on submarine pens and secret cross peninsula tunnels

As with the first book, this one published in 2001, it is a quick read and it includes diagrams, maps, and photographs. While not definitive, and the author is careful to distinguish between what he knows and what he speculates, this book is as good as it gets in terms of open source information covering what may be  the single most secretive (and Congressionally not authorized) program in the US inventory — the other would be the secret space program, also not authorized by Congress.

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Review: Underground Bases and Tunnels – What is the government trying to hide?

4 Star, Intelligence (Extra-Terrestrial), Military & Pentagon Power, Power (Pathologies & Utilization)
Amazon Page

Richard Sauder, PhD

4 Star The original overview from 1995 first serious book about deep underground military bases (DUMB)

Although Amazon lists this book as published in 2014, that is a reprint date.  This is the original 1995 publication, and the author, a PhD who does not drink or do drugs, is the original open source intelligence investigator of a trillion dollar plus secret program that is off the books — neither authorized by Congress, nor the funds declared to Congress.

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Review: The U.S. Navy’s Secret Space Program & Nordic extraterrestrial Alliance

4 Star, Intelligence (Extra-Terrestrial)
Amazon Page

Michael E. Salla

5 Stars – Useful Speculative Insights

This book is more like a summary of claims made by others — notably Corey Goode and William Tomkins (RIP) and there are three particular contradictions that trouble me, outlined below, but on balance I have to give the author credit for being one of the top experts in this domain who is clearly committed to the public interest.

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Review: In the Shadows of a Presidency by Daniel Estulin

4 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation), Banks, Fed, Money, & Concentrated Wealth, Capitalism (Good & Bad), Crime (Corporate), Democracy, Intelligence (Government/Secret), Misinformation & Propaganda, Peace, Poverty, & Middle Class

Daniel Estulin

4 Stars – Useful Summary

The core of this book is that the Queen of England and the British Empire, with MI-6 prominently serving as a global saboteur and blackmail agent, is the heart of the Deep State, NOT the Rothschilds and NOT the Zionists.

The author buys in the 9/11 official narrative and relies too heavily on single sources (LaRouche, Madsen, Fitts) for each chapter while missing the giants (e.g. Peter Dale Scott on the Deep State) — this is an Internet sourced book, not a library sourced book.

He does, however, provide a useful compilation of insights, generally from others and woven together here for good effect, and I have no regrets about buying and reading this book along with his earlier Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses,  that again seeks to demonize the British while giving everyone else — particularly the Zionists and the Vatican — a bye.

Here are some of my notations:

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Review: Walking Among Us – The Alien [extraterrestrial] Plan to Control Humanity

4 Star, Intelligence (Extra-Terrestrial)
Amazon Page

David M. Jacobs, PhD

4 stars –Worthy singular perspective, a fraction of the total kaleidoscope

I read this book on the flight across the Atlantic to meet someone claiming to be an extraterrestrial resident on earth in full hybrid form.

On balance, based primarily on extensive reading of others who claim to have direct access, and on my direct experience with several others, I find the author and the book worthy of study, but somewhat misrepresentative of a vastly more complicated cosmic whole.

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