Review: Love You, Daddy Boy–Daughters Honor the Fathers They Love

5 Star, Civil Society, Culture, Research, Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution

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Family Above Party (or Exclusive Religions),

October 22, 2006
Karyn McLaughlin Frist
I had the pleasure,on the flight from Lubbock to Dallas, of sitting next to the wife of Senator Frist. I was not planning to comment on this book, but because the marital relationship is mentioned above, and because I love non-fiction books deeply, I just want to say that the author is a real person, a personable person, and this book should be bought on its merits.

It does not cover the negative father-daughter relationships, only the positive ones. If you are a father with daughters, buy this book for its example of what worked, what left lasting love in the hearts of daddy's daughters. The family, not the party, is the foundation of this Nation's greatness (and its current decline in broken and non-nuclear families in name only}, so I regard this book as one of the building blocks for getting us back on track.

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