Mongoose: Is Israel Going to Carry Out a Wave of False Flag Attacks Against US Bases in Middle Easts?

IO Deeds of War

The source websites are compromised (create security issues for home machines of visitors) and we will not point to  them. The Israelis are claiming they are hacking into ISIS web sites and seeing “proof” that ISIS is planning attacks on US military bases in the Middle East. Remembering that the Israelis are very skilled at faking terrorist and state communications (e.g. their now infamous faking of Libyan government communications with alleged terrorists, from Israeli transmitters covertly placed within key Libyan sites), this should be cause for alarm at the highest levels of the US Government. Remembering that the Zionists can rely on the complicity of sayonim (“helpers”)at all levels of the US military and explicitly including evangelical fundamentalists who seek an apocalyse, it is highly probably that rogue US personnel will assist the Israelis, who will field Arab patsies to die in place, in faking multiple attacks on US military installations in the Middle East. The only countervailing influence is the realization that such attacks will help elect Trump rather than Clinton. The Global War on Terror theater run continues.

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