Betty Boop: The Ramtha Trump Prophecy

Cultural Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Worth A Look

The prophecy by Ramtha was that “this is a man who is not afraid,” and that “fearless” President Trump would have his plane escorted by UFOs – that he would “know it all” – “expose it all;” that he will force the release to the world of secret energy systems used by the military and the elite. (Ramtha, Yelm, WA, Dec 8 2016.)  Source/Video


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The fact that President Trump has friends in high places, as revealed in this book, also makes him the leader of “the radical few” – the “few” being a few thousand, then tens of thousands, then millions who, as Ramtha also predicted long ago, are now “rising up” and unmasking the Deep State and its corrupt families, corporations, politicians and agency personnel.

This book is the backstory about how the Deep State evolved – and how it will end.

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