Penguin: Open Source Model for Education (Robert Steele: Education, Intelligence, & Research Need to be Managed Togerther

#OSE Open Source Everything

Open Source as a Model for Global Education

Matthew Rascoff & Noah Pinkus

Both competition and transfer are equally insufficient as frameworks for the global education strategy we need for our complex, interconnected world. This autumn, 268 undergraduate students from 27 nations on six continents are pioneering a new “open-source” model as they begin their studies at Duke Kunshan University in China, one of the first liberal arts colleges to be founded in the 21st century.

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Robert David STEELE Vivas

ROBERT STEELE: There are three flaws in this otherwise excellent orientation. First, it serves the globalist agenda rather than localist self-sufficiency. Second, it does not go far enough in collapsing classroom time  — the Danish PhD and University of Oklahoma MPA Extension course models are better (one week of intensive face to face with prior reading and no mercy for those who fail to prepare). Third and finally, it does not realize that education, intelligence (decision-support) and research all need to be managed integrally at all levels — a unified leadership across all three from local to global. The authors touch on open source culture being more important than open source technology, but lack a depth of understanding with respect to the specifics of the Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) opportunities that Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Russia, South Africa, and Turkey are particularly well suited to pursue.

See Especially:

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See Also:

Steele, Robert. “Augmented Intelligence with Human-Machine Integrity: Future-Oriented Hybrid Governance Integrating Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE),” in Daniel Araya. Augmented Intelligence: Smart Systems and the Future of Work and Learning. Bern, CH: Peter Lang Publishing, 2018.

Steele, Robert. “Healing the Self & Healing the World: The Open Source Way,” Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog, 2 September 2017 no longer available where previously published in Defence and Intelligence Norway, 13 September 2017.

Steele, Robert. Letter to Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres, “Subject: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE),” January 2, 2017.

Steele, Robert. For the President of the United States of America Donald Trump: Subject: EradicatingFake News and False Intelligence with an Open Source Agency That Also SupportsDefense, Diplomacy, Development, & Commerce (D3C) Innovation to Stabilize World. Earth Intelligence Network, 2017.

Steele, Robert. “Foreword,” in Stephen E. Arnold, CyberOSINT: Next Generation Information Access, Harrods Creek, KY: Arnold Information Technology, 2015.

Steele, Robert, “Applied Collective Intelligence: Human-Centric Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, and Open Source Everything,” Spanda Journal, 20-14 December 2014, Vol. 2, pp 127-137.

Steele, Robert with Hal Berghel. “Out of Band: Robert David Steele on OSINT,” IEEE Computer Vol. 47, No. 7, July 2014, pp. 76-81.

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