Mongoose: Herd Immunity Achieved Despite Idiocy of Lockdown and Social Distancing

07 Health

Perspectives on the Pandemic Episode 2:  In this explosive second edition of Perspectives on the Pandemic, Professor Knut Wittkowski, for twenty years head of The Rockefeller University's Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design, says that social distancing and lockdown is the absolutely worst way to deal with an airborne respiratory virus.

Further, he offers data to show that China and South Korea had already reached their peak number of cases when they instituted their containment measures.  In other words, nature had already achieved, or nearly achieved, herd immunity.

Watch episode 1 here:

Interview highlights:

00:36-Professor Wittkowski explains his recommendations for how to best deal with COVID-19

01:36-Is self-isolation prolonging the duration of COVID-19?

02:33-Are policies of self-isolation or shelter-in-place a good idea?

03:46-The pandemic is over

04:27-Did China lie about its COVID-19 statistics?

05:03-The truth behind the statistics given by the government of the United States

07:52-Are we even reporting flu deaths anymore?

08:16-Why are hospitals being overwhelmed?

09:16-Shortage of medial supplies

10:19-Has social distancing prevented deaths from COVID-19?

11:55-Staying indoors can make the virus worse

16:02-Why social distancing won’t work for an airborne contagion

17:41-Do we need a vaccine for COVID-19?

18:31-Humans can grow immune to this virus

18:55-The data doesn’t say that COVID-19 is more contagious than the flu

22:43-Changes in reporting COVID-19 cases

25:33-What makes COVID-19 different than the Swine Flu

27:05-What are the possible health risks of sheltering in place?

27:43-The “Second Wave” of COVID-19

30:10-The truth about #FlattentheCurve

31:10-What should we do about sheltering in place?

32:24-Why we need to achieve natural herd immunity

34:17-Should we be testing everyone for COVID-19?

35:35-The real effects of COVID-19

38:53-The percentage of people who won’t have any symptoms

39:34-What should we do about COVID-19 at this point?

40:40-Is this really a pandemic?

40:50-What you should know

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