Robert Steele: COVID-19 Fraud — Not a Virus, an Exosome — and Tests Are Fraud, Results Variable, 80% False Positives, Some Tests Infect the Uninfected . . .

03 Economy, 07 Health, Academia, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media

I support the President and hope this will have a happy ending.  I nailed it with my first article, now we know more, the entire COVID-19 matter is fraud on a global scale inclusive of media complicity in medical malpractice and murder.

Is COVID-19 virus an Exosome?

Two videos below the fold.

Tip of the Hat to Ray Songtree, Lipstick & War Crimes


Robert Steele: Memo for POTUS – The Resurrection of the USA – Your Legacy, 200 Years, Must Be Systemic

Robert Steele: Deep State Goes for the Kill Shot Against Trump — President Was Right — It Is a Fake Pandemic — Plus Virus 5G RECAP

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