Jean Lievens: Chomsky – The System We Have Now Is Radically Anti-Democratic
Chomsky: The System We Have Now Is Radically Anti-Democratic A fascinating, wide-ranging interview on major issues facing the public. 10 screens, 3 videos — very very rich.
Chomsky: The System We Have Now Is Radically Anti-Democratic A fascinating, wide-ranging interview on major issues facing the public. 10 screens, 3 videos — very very rich.
American Socrates TruthDig, 15 June 2014 CAMBRIDGE, Mass.—Noam Chomsky, whom I interviewed last Thursday at his office at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has influenced intellectuals in the United States and abroad in incalculable ways. His explications of empire, mass propaganda, the hypocrisy and pliability of the liberal class and the failings of academics, as …
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Think, we do. Ron Paul on Crimea: None of America’s business President Putin’s Address to Russian Duma Parliament over Crimea Noam Chomsky: Richard Nixon Was ‘Last Liberal President’ See Also: Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Self-Determination & Secession
Acclaimed Film “9/11 in the Academic Community” to be Live-Streamed March 27 Below is the Trailer Only. To see the whole film, mark your calendar. The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will be showing the critically acclaimed, recently released documentary, “9/11 in the Academic Community” on Thursday, March 27, 2014 at 7pm in Berkeley, California. …
VIDEO: Why History Matters: International Law and the Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict 02/22/2010 4:30 PM 66″110Victor Kattan, Fellow, University of London; Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor, MITDescription: Given the volume of writing on the Arab”Israeli conflict, “you might think that everything has been said,” says Noam Chomsky. But Victor Kattan’s new book, Coexistence to Conquest: …
Noam Chomsky: AMERICAN Politics Has Descended into MADness, Pure Savagery Author and activist Noam Chomsky said that the congressional controversy over extending unemployment benefits is evidence that American politics has descended into madness. “The refusal to provide very minimal living standards to people who are caught in this monstrosity — that’s just pure savagery,” …
De-Americanizing the World Truth Out, 5 November 2013 Originally written in 2012 During the latest episode of the Washington farce that has astonished a bemused world, a Chinese commentator wrote that if the United States cannot be a responsible member of the world system, perhaps the world should become “de-Americanized” — and separate itself from …
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