Owl: NSA Perfect Storm — Time to Clean House — Fire Alexander, Close DNI Down (Restore DCI), Cancel CIA Drone Program (“A Thousand Genocides”), Fund Open Source Agency….

MS, Yahoo FB, Apple and the rest all deny they know anything the NSA’s program – implemented with these tech giant’s cooperation – called “PRISM.” It’s evident from this article they are all lying: ” America, here’s hoping you’ve had enough time to be come to terms with the National Security Agency scooping up all …

Chuck Spinney & Philip Giraldi: CIA Drones for Corrupt Regimes

Note that in addition to propping up Quisling centers at expense of the tribal periphery, we  will be fanning the fires of the sectarian warfare and killing gobs of innocents with more signature strikes (note dependency on “technical collection”). Drones for “Regime Protection” The CIA’s insurance plan for Karzai and Maliki—and what it means for …

Berto Jongman: Variations on a Theme – CIA Drones and Suicide Bombs

Obama terror drones: CIA tactics in Pakistan include targeting rescuers and funerals Total US strikes: 349 Obama strikes: 297 Total reported killed: 2,593-3,365 Read full article and see data sidebars. Whither Suicide Bombings? Exponential growth in suicide attacks since 2001 shows that they have increasingly become a practical tool in a large variety of intra-national …

Event: 16 Jan 10 DC Demonstration Against CIA Drone Deaths with Cynthia McKinney and Cindy Sheehan

FACEBOOK DELETES INVITE TO CIA DRONE PROTEST By Brenda Norrell Cindy Sheehan said Facebook deleted an invitation to the CIA Drone Protest in Langley, Virginia, scheduled for 1 pm to 4 pm Jan. 16, 2010. Sheehan said “the CIA is becoming overly involved in terrorizing populations.” Sheehan joins a powerhouse of women activists to lead …

Berto Jongman: CIA’s Secret Torture Sites & the Competing CIA and DoD Drone Assassination Programs

CIA Torture REVEALED: The boom and bust of the CIA’s secret torture sites The quality of debriefers and security officers being sent to the site was degenerating, while the information coming out of it was “mediocre or, I dare say, useless”. The Assassination Complex Eight Papers on the Drone Programs of the USA Taken together, …

SchwartzReport: Drone Assassination Threat Against US Officials

It is the nature of implemented war technologies that they create arms races that always have unintended consequences. The use of drones is the latest example. It is just a matter of time until American officials start being killed by drones, probably beginning when they are out of the country. Technologies of violence feed on …