Sepp Hasslberger: Harvard Proves Cannabis Cuts Cancer in Half — Why Does the USG Continue to Lie About This?

Well, what are the politicians waiting for? I think we need a change of policy direction here… Harvard University Finds Cannabis Cuts Tumor Growth in Half in Three Weeks A Harvard University study from 2007 which remains the most comprehensive ever released on THC’s potential to combat tumors found that in just three weeks doses …

Sepp Hasslberger: 100 Studies Prove Cannabis Cures Cancer — Is the US Government Criminalizing Cannabis to Protect Criminal Profits?

So marijuana has been shown without doubt to cure a number of cancers … and we’re still using chemotherapy? Scandalous! There Are Now 100 Scientific Studies That Prove Cannabis Cures Cancer Cannabis is a Schedule I drug in the United States. That means the government has designated the plant as having no accepted medical use …

Sepp Hasslberger: Since 1974, US Government Represses Healing Effects of Cannabis

So if some research shows results that don’t fit our preconceptions (in this case “all drugs are bad”) that research is promptly suppressed… Research Proving Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells Safely Has Been Suppressed Since 1974 Their examination discovered that, on the contrary, the only cells that were destroyed were the cancer ones, and the immune …

Ty Simplson: Big Pharma Sweating Bullets at 80% of Cannabis Users Give up Prescription Pills

I expect that the field of Psychiatry (not Psychotherapy) will be shutting down in a few years as well. Big Pharma Sweating Bullets As 80% of Cannabis Users Give Up Prescriptions Pills for Pot The survey of 473 adult therapeutic cannabis users found that 87% of respondents gave up prescription medications, alcohol, or other drugs in favor …