Mongoose: #GoogleGestapo Folds in Digital Assassination of Natural News, We Still Need a Racketeering Investigation Against Eric Schmidt, Google, Facebook, and Twitter

This is moderately good news. The Independent Media Defeats Google’s Censorship Practices-Natural News Restored One has to remember, that the Independent Media brings the public the truth where the MSM and the social media monopolies obscure the truth and the illegal actions of their benefactors. Mike Adams’ Natural News restored by Goggle after massive takedown …

Robert Steele: Atlantic Monthly on Donald Trump Jr. as the Natural Political Heir — and the End of Ivanka Trump as a Brand

The Heir Ivanka was always Trump’s favorite. But Don Jr. is emerging as his natural successor. ROBERT STEELE: The article is quite brilliant at multiple levels.  It is also in my view very unfair toward Donald Trump Jr. but ultimately accurate in concluding that he is the only Trump likely to be a success in …

Robert Steele: NewsGuard is a Zionist Firewall Against the Truth #GoogleGestapo Fake News

Field McConnell and Abel Danger are doing some good work. The below is worth reading in its entirety.  I continue to distinguish between the Deep State and its Zionist (genocidal apartheid criminal) underbelly and Judaism, and Judaism. Although Jews worldwide — and across the USA — reject Zionism, this is one of the truths the …

Mongoose: Did Israel do Fukushima to Give Qatar a Natural Gas Pump? Is a Natural Gas Cartel Forming?

Alert Reader writes in: When you think in terms of the energy industy alone, the events of 2011 start to make a lot of sense. On the one hand you have the Fukushima incident which forced a shut down to Japan’s nuclear power and greatly increased reliance on imported natural gas. (mostly from Qatar). On …

Mike Adams: Fake News front group “NewsGuard” exposed as a massive protection racket to promote fake narratives from official sources while censoring indy media

Fake news front group “NewsGuard” exposed as a massive protection racket to promote fake narratives from official sources while censoring indy media NewsGuard is not designed to protect the public from fake news, but rather, to instill obedience to the mainstream media propaganda machine and begin the normalization of censorship. This isn’t just a war …

Robert Steele: 10 Moves To Hold the House UPDATE 10: Lost House, Some Good News

SHORT URL: UPDATE 10: GOP lost the House and that is probably for the best — the NeverTrumpers from the GOP are the ones that were flushed out. Control of the Senate increased and that assures a flood of conservative Justices. MID-TERM SPECIAL: Trump Triumphs — Senate, Justices, Never-Trumpers Gone from House — Deep …