Berto Jongman: Benghazi – Leon Panetta Lied, Clinton Refused Pentagon Offer of Timely Help
NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!! An email recently obtained by Judicial Watch shows that the Pentagon was demanding Hillary allow them to send help to Benghazi during the 2012 attack. This would completely contradict the claim from Hillary and Leon Panetta that no forces …
Mongoose: Alleged FBI Insider Says Bill Clinton Will Die, Everyone Is Exposed including Elite Pedophiles, Benghazi Server, False Flag Events, All Part of the Final Drama
No direct knowledge, a good read. FBI Insider Leaks All: Clinton Foundation Exposed! Involves Entire US Government! A thread on 4chan with an FBI insider confirms everyone’s worst suspicions. The Hillary Clinton email server was merely a distraction from the Clinton Foundation and most of DC is in up to their necks in what could …
Chuck Spinney: Benghazi, Libya, Dysfunctional Congress, End of All Checks and Balances
The Republican antics in the hearings of the Benghazi Committee in the House or Representatives are a good example illustrating how broken American politics have become. The clear aim is narrowly political: to embarrass Hillary Clinton (and President Obama) for partisan reasons, while avoiding the roots of the larger Libyan debacle that flowed from the …
Berto Jongman: Tony Shaffer on Benghazi and 9/11
Retired Lt. Col. Reveals Secrets Of The 28-Page 9/11 Report CIA-trained intelligence officer confirms Infowars analysis In this incredibly powerful interview with Lt. Colonel Anthony Shaffer, a wealth of info is mined regarding the real parties involved in the Benghazi stand down and the truth behind the to be released 9/11 report of which 28 …
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Berto Jongman: Benghazi – Was Ambassador Steven Murdered to Cover Up CIA Arming of Al Qaeda?
CIA Pilot Bombshell!! Confirms Obama’s Gun Running Program To Al Qaeda A very interesting interview over at InfoWars, which can be heard in part in the video below, with a former CIA gun runner, William Robert “Tosh” Plumlee, which confirmed that before the Benghazi attack which killed four Americans, including Ambassador John Stevens, the Ambassador had …
John Rappoport: Exclusive Interview with Sharyl Attkisson, Benghazi & Fast & Furious, CDC Swine Flu Fraud, on Corruption in Media Including Wikipedia
Exclusive: an interview with investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson Before her recent resignation from CBS, Sharyl Attkisson was a mainstream news star. Multiple Emmys. CNN anchor, CBS anchor on stories about space exploration. Host of CBS’ News Up to the Minute. PBS host for Health Week. Investigative reporter for CBS. Attkisson dug deep into Fast&Furious, Benghazi, and …