Nora Maccoby’s art is literally out of this world, with both a spiritual inner space dimension and a cosmic mathematics outer space dimension. She is about to be picked up by two art galleries that will take her prices from the $5,000 level to the $20,000 and up level. Below is her biography and two …
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The messages from the Galactic Council are clear: We, humans, must understand now that we are all brothers and sisters of the light. The 7 rays of the 1 ray. There is no other. We are a hologram and the great work is internal. The source is our heart, the bridge to the infinite light …
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Nora Maccoby is a fourth-generation artist, whose work has been featured in LandEscape Art Review; in Venice during the 2017 Biennale; at the Smithsonian Arts and Industries Museum in December 2017; and in January 2018, she was awarded the International Prize Leonardo da Vinci in Florence, Italy, by Art International Contemporary. She recently exhibited her …
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5 Star — A Novel that Inspires Reflection In this one book, Nora Maccoby has brought together some of the most important ideas related to extra-terrestrial intelligence, human intelligence, and cosmic intelligence – everything is a form of energy with inherent intelligence. As a former spy who is also a top Amazon non-fiction reviewer, reading …
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Description and Two Book Links Below the Fold
Nora Maccoby Web Sites (All Images Downloadable)
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