SPECIAL: LA Times is Wrong — Nancy Pelosi is Not Winning — An Open Letter from Robert Steele to Doyle McManus

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Mr. McManus,

I enjoyed your article today on Pelosi winning, “Nancy Pelosi is winning in her battle with Trump,” but I think you are missing a larger context in which Trump is winning across the board and is certain of re-election. Here's why…

Continue reading “SPECIAL: LA Times is Wrong — Nancy Pelosi is Not Winning — An Open Letter from Robert Steele to Doyle McManus”

Henry Makow: Are Extremist Jews (Zionists) A Threat? Is Exterminating the Goyim the Core of the Cabala?

#OSE Open Source Everything, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Exterminating the Goyim is Basis of the Cabala

I urge you to read Ted Pike's Israel: Our Duty…Our Dilemma (1984) to fully understand the danger in which humanity finds itself today. The essential teaching of Judaism's most holy book, the Cabala, is that non-Jews form an impediment to progress and must be subjugated or exterminated. This ideology probably explains much of mankind's tragic history and impending doom.

The “antisemitism” smear diverts attention from the grim reality – the hate actually emanates from Cabalist Jews and their Freemason agents in the form of a simultaneous attack on our gender, racial, religious and national identity.

Continue reading “Henry Makow: Are Extremist Jews (Zionists) A Threat? Is Exterminating the Goyim the Core of the Cabala?”

Daniel Pinchbeck: Why We Need Extinction Rebellion

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Daniel Pinchbeck

I want to let you know about a new activist movement I am supporting, Extinction Rebellion. Our movement is using large-scale direct actions to pressure governments to move faster on climate change.

We have three immediate demands. One is that governments tell the truth about the ecological emergency we are facing as a species. The second is we move to carbon neutral by 2025. This is, obviously, an extreme position but it accords with what the hundreds of scientists who compiled the UN's 2018 IPCC Report have told us: Without rapid collective action, global civilization will collapse in the next decades. We may in fact face our extinction as a species. The third demand is for a global citizen's council, a participatory and democratic process that oversees governments in fulfilling the first two goals.

Learn more.

Koko: 20,000 Satellites for 5G to be Launched Sending Focused Beams of Intense Microwave Radiation Over Entire Earth

Earth Intelligence

20,000 Satellites for 5G to be Launched Sending Focused Beams of Intense Microwave Radiation Over Entire Earth


  • 5G will use Phased Array Antennas to shoot Beams of Radiation at Cell Phones
  • 5G Phones will be much more Powerful than Previous Phones
  • Why is 5G so Much More Dangerous than Previous Microwave Communication Systems?
  • Telecom Companies are Creating a Worldwide Disaster in the Name of Technological Progress
  • There is Nowhere to Hide from 5G Radiation
  • Cities Can’t Say No to 5G Implementation

Read full article.


Los Alamos Research Explains How Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA

See Also:

5G @ Phi Beta Iota

Electromagnetic @ Phi Beta Iota

Berto Jongman: China’s Mind-Blowing Weather Modification, Geoengineering, & ELF Transmitter Projects!

Earth Intelligence
Berto Jongman

China's Mind-Blowing Weather Modification, Geoengineering, & ELF Transmitter Projects!

  1. China Covering Tibet in Thousands of Cloud Seeding Generators!
  2. China and Russia Work Together On Ionospheric Heating Experiment
  3. China building their own Ionospheric Heater!
  4. China’s Tianhe Project (Sky River) Will Divert Atmospheric Rivers Using Undisclosed Technology
  5. China’s new Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Transmitter is FIVE times the size of New York City

See Also:

Geoengineering @ Phi Beta Iota