Koko: Community Water Sovereignty & Planet Local

12 Water, Civil Society, Earth Intelligence

Community Water Sovereignty and Planet Local

In this update, we ask: How can communities take control of their own water supplies and achieve ‘water sovereignty'? Just how circular is the much-talked-about ‘circular economy’? And is there a substantive difference between the Leave and Remain camps when it comes to Brexit? Plus, Helena Norberg-Hodge makes a passionate case for local food and local economies in a new article and TV interview, and we speak with the Post Growth Institute’s Jennifer Hinton about the role of not-for-profit businesses in the economy of the future.

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Yoda: How President Trump Can “Red Pill” America

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Government, Peace Intelligence

10 Ways President Trump Can ‘Red Pill The Masses' In America And Why It's More Important Now Than Ever To Prepare For The Inevitable: ‘The End Of Normalcy Is Here

8 More Ways President Trump Can ‘Red Pill' The Masses: From Hiding The ‘True History Of Planet Earth' To ‘Human Experimentation', The American People Have Long Been Deceived 

Both lists (only) below the fold.

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Yoda: Transformation, Artificial Intelligence Eradicated by 2024? UPDATE 1: Further Validation

Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence

Alert Reader says:

Our solar system has started going through a total transformation from the very outward level of physical reality to the deepest level of spiritual/psychological reality revealed in The Law of One (see below) .  The process started in 2012 (actually this is the final phase of long history of development).  One benchmark is that our entire solar system has been gradually warming up.  By around 2028-2029 (when the current 11 year sun cycle will end) we will experience a coronal mass ejection that will destroy the artificial intelligence that has been used to control us for millennia.

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Worth a Look: Mass Awakening by Shoshi Herscu

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Amazon Page

The Truth has been hidden from us while a global policy of mass depopulation and exploitation has been carried out behind the scenes for the past half-century. The author, an independent journalist, became aware of this agenda only in the past few years. She found it hard to believe, but in-depth research and the testimony of whistleblowers worldwide have exposed these strategies. They include geoengineering (chemtrails), fluoridation of water supplies, GMOs, vaccinations, false flag terrorist attacks, and economic warfare by the group David Wilcock calls the Cabal. However, despite this grim reality, a positive shift of mass awakening is occurring worldwide. Tribunals are being established to prosecute elite offenders; revelations of hidden technology like free-energy and new economic models are being put forth. The author shows how humanity is claiming its rightful heritage as spiritual beings and charts the course of our elevation of consciousness.