Mongoose: Daniel Estulin on Trump vs The Deep State (Video 29:30 & Text Summary)

Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Peace Intelligence

Text summary (bullets) below the fold.

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Yoda: Insects Are Rapidly Disappearing Around The World, Leaving Scientists Horrified

Earth Intelligence

Insects Are Rapidly Disappearing Around The World, Leaving Scientists Horrified 

Insects around the world are in a crisis, according to a small but growing number of long-term studies showing dramatic declines in invertebrate populations.

A new report suggests that the problem is more widespread than scientists realized. Huge numbers of bugs have been lost in a pristine national forest in Puerto Rico, the study found, and the forest’s insect-eating animals have gone missing, too.

In 2014, an international team of biologists estimated that, in the past 35 years, the abundance of invertebrates such as beetles and bees had decreased by 45 percent.

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CounterPunch: The Ten Big Lies of Traditional Western Politics

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government

The Ten Big Lies of Traditional Western Politics

Erik Molvar is a wildlife biologist and is the Laramie, Wyoming-based Executive Director of Western Watersheds Project, a nonprofit group dedicated to protecting and restoring watersheds and wildlife on western public lands.

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  1. Industrial oil and gas drilling is compatible with healthy wildlife populations
  2. Nobody wants to see the sage grouse (or anything else) listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA)
  3. Logging, grazing, or fuelbreaks can stop big fires
  4. Wild horses are the real threat to western rangeland health
  5. Ranchers are the real environmentalists
  6. Predators are killing our wild game (or our profits) and their numbers need to be “managed”
  7. When the next boom hits, the good times will return
  8. Ranching is the cornerstone of western rural economies
  9. The oil, timber, and livestock industries have the right to extract private profits from public lands
  10. Local control would result in better management of western public lands

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Yoda: Diversity Matters — Be Very Concerned

Earth Intelligence

We've Wiped Out So Many Mammals, Earth Will Need 5 Million Years to Evolve Replacements

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature predicts that 99.9 percent of critically endangered species and 67 percent of endangered species will be lost within the next 100 years.

The five other times a mass extinction has occurred over the past 450 million years, natural disasters were to blame. But now, human activity is killing mammal species.

In a study published Monday in the journal PNAS, scientists from Aarhus University in Denmark calculated how fast extinctions are happening, and how long it would take for evolution to bring Earth back to the level of biodiversity it currently has.

The scientists concluded that in a best-case scenario, nature will need 3-5 million years to get back to the level of biodiversity we have on Earth today. Returning to the state Earth's animal kingdom was in before modern humans evolved would take 5-7 million years.

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Yoda: Water Desalination Breakthrough

12 Water, Earth Intelligence

Desalination Breakthrough: Saving the Sea from Salt

A chemist finds a way to cut supersalty discharge and CO2 as the Middle East relies ever more on seawater desalination

Benyahia has simplified the process in part by aiming for sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) rather than sodium carbonate, thus reducing the needed chemical conversion steps to just two. In the presence of ammonia he reacts pure carbon dioxide with the waste brine from desalination, creating solid baking soda and ammonium chloride solution. In a second step he reacts the ammonium chloride solution with calcium oxide to produce calcium chloride solution and ammonia gas. Recovering the ammonia allows him to reuse it in the first step, reducing the cost of the process.

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Paul Craig Roberts: Erasing History, Diplomacy, Truth, and Life on Earth

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Paul Craig Roberts

Erasing History, Diplomacy, Truth, and Life on Earth

One of the reasons that countries fail is that collective memory is continually destroyed as older generations pass away and are replaced by new ones who are disconnected from what came before.

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Astonishingly, neither the Times nor the Post give any credence to the emphatic statement made at least one week before by Bob Woodward—normally considered the most authoritative chronicler of Washington’s political secrets—that after two years of research he had found “no evidence of collusion” between Trump and Russia.

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