Berto Jongman: Nuit Debout: Dawn of a Revolution?

Cultural Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Nuit Debout: Dawn of a Revolution?

Some call it a phenomenon, others compare it to the failed 2011 Occupy movement, but Nuit Debout has taken the largely discredited French political class, from across the bogus standard left to the far right, by surprise. Sociologically, it should not be a surprise at all. The backdrop is a sense of deep social malaise, a ras le bol et envie de redevenir vivant (a spillover and wish to be alive again).

Since 2011, however, throughout the world some elements have greatly changed: the connection between the political class and citizens has reached a breaking point; the notion of elections being a farce has become widespread; wealth concentration and social inequality have reached an unprecedented and unsustainable level; and conflicts and the business of warfare have reached an apex. These factors are fertile ground for the collective quantum leap that is a revolution.

Owl: USA Pervert Nation — Can Men Claim to be Transgender, Legally Enter Female Restroom, Threaten to Sue for “Hate Crimes” If Anyone Objects?

07 Other Atrocities, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy
Who? Who?
Who? Who?

Around 2:15 he refers to news about perverts and pedos taking advantage of the pro-LGBT laws to assault women in bathrooms, and some Colorado girls are being threatened with hate crime charges for objecting to men coming into the girl's restrooms. Now all a pedo/pervert has to do is dress up as a woman, claim his identity is really that of a woman, and then legally enter female restrooms to wack off or sexually attack women, and the law and rock-and-roll star Bruce Springsteen, among others, will still fully back his “right” to enter a woman's restroom.

What Pisses Me Off About Transgender Bathrooms

More details and many links below the fold.

Continue reading “Owl: USA Pervert Nation — Can Men Claim to be Transgender, Legally Enter Female Restroom, Threaten to Sue for “Hate Crimes” If Anyone Objects?”

Mongoose: Are CalTech and Northrup Grumman Building an Electromagnetic Death Ray in Space?

05 Energy, Commerce, Corruption, Idiocy, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Caltech’s 2500 Orbiting Solar Panels Could Provide Earth With Limitless Energy

The Space Solar Power Initiative (SSPI), a collaboration between Caltech and Northrup Grumman, has developed a system of lightweight solar power tiles which can convert solar energy to radio waves and can be placed in orbit to beam power to an energy-thirsty Earth.

Continue reading “Mongoose: Are CalTech and Northrup Grumman Building an Electromagnetic Death Ray in Space?”

Michel Bauwens: Transition Proposals Towards a Commons-Oriented Economy and Society

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence
Michel Bauwens
Michel Bauwens

Transition Proposals Towards a Commons-Oriented Economy and Society

In the context of the Ecuadorian transition project towards a open commons-based knowledge society, see, and to complement the prior analysis of three competing economic models in the age of peer production, I have formulated some transition proposals, on how to get from Phase 2, emerging peer production in the context of the dominance of cognitive and financial capitalism, to Phase 3, a mature peer production economy associated with a ethical economy and a partner state.

Continue reading “Michel Bauwens: Transition Proposals Towards a Commons-Oriented Economy and Society”