Lisa Renee: Individualism, Autonomy and Self-Leadership

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Individualism, Autonomy and Self-Leadership

The current culture wars are using aggressive mind control tactics to purposely attack Individualism, Autonomy and Self-Leadership, to cultivate a generation of non-critical thinkers who automatically follow collectivism, coercion and blind obedience to another level of global tyranny. The problem, reaction, solution stage is being set, pushing for another round of cultural Marxism or socialism instigated from the World War era, designed to fulfill the satanic collectivist nightmare of the New World Order.

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American Greatness: The Strange Case of ‘White Supremacy’

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

The Strange Case of ‘White Supremacy’

What are we to make of racially themed congressional caucuses, safe spaces, segregated dorms and theme houses, separate graduate ceremonies, and national lobbying groups such as the former National Council of La Raza (“the Race”)? Are they now routine tools of white supremacy? Are they just appropriations of prior white racist protocols, in a sort of well-deserved karma? Are these desperate attempts to keep suspicious white people away from the spaces deemed necessary for minority well-being?

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David Limbaugh: The Race to Annihilate Conservatism — Libertines on the Left, Zionists on the Right, Deplorables in the Middle…

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

The left's mission to annihilate conservatism

David Limbaugh on racism charge: ‘They are now demonizing half of Americans'

While President Donald Trump is an ideal scapegoat for leftist hatred and demagoguery, the left’s ultimate goal is to permanently reduce conservatism and the Republican Party to minority status by indelibly associating them with racism.

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Gordon Duff: Is Epstein “Murder” Connected to Bill Richardson Nuclear Thefts and AIPAC Spy Ring?

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Peace Intelligence

Was Jeffrey Epstein Murdered Over Nuclear Thefts?

One day after Jeffrey Epstein was tied to scandal ridden Clinton Energy Secretary, Bill Richardson, in a sex and Mossad blackmail scandal, Epstein is dead.  Our sources say Richardson was under investigation for a far wider range of security issues, including a role in facilitating the theft of weapons grade fissionable material from the PANTEX weapons disassembly facility in Amarillo, Texas.

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