Berto Jongman: FBI Goaded Garland Shooter to “Tear Up Texas”

Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

FBI Agent Goaded Garland Shooter to “Tear Up Texas,” Raising New Alarms About Bureau’s Methods

…testing the willingness of suspects to take certain steps in a conspiracy is one thing; actively encouraging them to commit a violent, criminal act is another.

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Marcus Aurelius: Hillary Kills Again! Executed Iranian Spying for USA Named in Unprotected Clinton Emails

Corruption, Government
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

Hillary Kills Again!

Oh My: Executed Iranian Nuclear Scientist Was Named in Hillary's Emails

How Amiri was exposed as a spy is still unclear, especially since he was praised by the Iranian government just a few years ago, but according to Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton his name was mentioned multiple times in emails by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on her private, unsecured email server.

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Berto Jongman: Hillary Kills Again (5 Times in 6 Weeks!)

Corruption, Government
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Victor Thorn, Shawn Lucas, Joe Montano, Sean Rich, John Ashe…

Hillary will stop at nothing to claw her way into the White House; unfortunately, people are dropping dead left and right in her path and, in the case of the last two found dead earlier this week, the mainstream media is pretending not to even notice they are gone…

9 minute YouTube below the fold….443,171 views

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Mongoose: Hillary Clinton Electoral Fraud Confirmed by Stanford University — Bernie Sanders Won…

Corruption, Government

Stanford University Confirms Democratic Election Fraud – Bernie Would Have Won !

A bombshell study released by Stanford University confirms evidence of election fraud during the 2016 Democratic Party primaries. 

This fraud has overwhelmingly benefited Secretary Clinton at the expense of Senator Sanders.

Odds Hillary Won Without Widespread Fraud: 1 in 77 Billion Says Berkeley, Stanford Studies

Stanford University Confirms Democratic Election Fraud

Kevin Barrett: Are False Flags Becoming More Frequent? Dallas, Baton Rouge, Nice, and Munich

Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War
Kevin Barrett
Kevin Barrett

Are False Flags Becoming More Frequent? Dallas, Baton Rouge, Nice, and Munich

Epilogue to The Orlando False Flag: Clash of Histories

“You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public to turn to the State to ask for greater security.” – testimony of convicted Operation Gladio terrorist Vincenzo Vinciguerra during his trial[i]

As this book was going to press in July 2016, a series of spectacular violent events exploded across headlines and television screens in the US and Europe.

On July 7 2016, five Dallas police officers were killed, and nine others injured, along with two civilians, by gunshots fired during a Black Lives Matter protest. Initial reports cited multiple shooters. As one headline stated, “Two snipers dressed in military garb shot 10 police officers ‘from elevated positions’ in Dallas.”[ii]

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Chuck Spinney: USAF Killing the A-10 Proven Solution for Close Air Support (CAS)?

Corruption, Military, Officers Call
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

Why Is the U.S. Air Force Dismantling Some of Its Stored A-10s?

Old Warthogs should remain flyable

by JAMES STEVENSON, War is Boring, 3 August 2016

The U.S. Marine Corps, tired of waiting for the continuously-delayed F-35B, has gone to the Arizona boneyard to retrieve some of its preserved, first-edition F-18 Hornets to fulfill its close air support obligation to protect Marines on the ground.

Mindful of the aphorism “willful waste makes woeful want,” the Marine Corps preserved its F-18s in the boneyard just in case it ever needed them again.

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Faded Rose: Secret Service Stops Trump Assassination & Hillary Kills Again! UPDATE 1

Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

faded roseDeceased FBI Agent Found At Trump Tower With Silenced Pistol

Speaking about the weapon found on Bush, the NYPD source stated, “We don’t find hardware like this on the streets–that Glock was never stamped at the factory [serial number]—those pieces are reserved for people with a lot higher pay grades than me.”

Continue reading “Faded Rose: Secret Service Stops Trump Assassination & Hillary Kills Again! UPDATE 1”