Russian TV: West is Lying About Libya…

02 Diplomacy, 06 Russia, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Cultural Intelligence, IO Multinational
Mario Profaca Recommends...

Provocatively entitled “The Fight for Reality” Russian Television (a very effective counterpart to Voice of America) is on the air in a very pro-Gaddafi series that accuses Western media of lying and hyping the situation with blatant mis-information.

Press Lying About Libya and Gaddafi- Removed from YouTube
Russia Confirms NO LIBYAN AIR ATTACKS Have Taken Place At All

In other news, one of Gaddafi's sons is saying that Libya financed the election of the “clown” that is now President and they want their money back.


Denmark: One Hundred Mobile App Teach Kids Math

04 Education, 08 Wild Cards, Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Commerce, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Mobile

One Hundred Free Mobile Apps to Teach Kids Math in Schools — Denmark Aims to be #1 in M-Learning for K12 Students

Danish students will in the future have access to a library of more than 100 apps for mobile phones, teaching them math in a more fun and engaging way. All mobile data traffic will be free, thanks to a partnership with the national mobile operators.

(PRWEB) March 18, 2011

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Wisdom University on Japan’s Twin Calamities

03 Environmental Degradation, 08 Proliferation, 08 Wild Cards, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
John Steiner
Wisdom Community Reflections IN THE AFTERMATH OF JAPAN'S TSUNAMI
The Perfect Eco-Technical Storm Jim Garrison, President
Pointing to the Larger Story of Earth Wisdom Will Taegel and Judith Yost, Faculty

From Water to Fire: An Astrological Perspective Lynn Bell, Faculty

Climate Change, HAARP, Process, Politics, Power

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 04 Education, 05 Energy, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 11 Society, 12 Water, Advanced Cyber/IO, Cultural Intelligence, Key Players

“Remember than one one's conspiracy is another man's business plan.”

“Climate change (both sides) is all about politics.”

Phi Beta Iota: We are at the intersection of ideology, social conditioning, weak education, and the culmination of decades of power politics that have produced a severely retarded i.e. damaged collective psyche.  The collective intelligence movement can be regarded as a healing counter-cancer within this larger cancerous world non-brain.  The nuclear-tsunami in Japan is an opportunity for delving deeply into everything that can be known.  It is an opportunity to re-evaluate the known risks of nuclear power; to re-examine climate change from a holistic perspective including a rigorous look at all human processes that could be contributing to the environmental degradation of the Earth; and to establish an analytic model as well as a road-map for addressing both climate change and nuclear proliferation with the non-violent dissemination of knowledge.

Continue reading “Climate Change, HAARP, Process, Politics, Power”

What Is HAARP? 9:51 Japan Video Reality Check

05 Energy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Key Players, Military, Officers Call

Who, Me?

Earthquake caused by HAARP?

Tesla Scalar Wave billion watt generator arrays exist and are used for earthquake generation and weather control. People on the ground, before the earthquake event, see ionization in the sky (like the aurora borealis, but visible in the daytime). Then they see what looks like ball lightning striking the ground, then they experience the earthquake or natural disaster.  Watch 9:51 Video.

Phi Beta Iota: As with 9/11, this is part of a growing body of public information that calls into question the integrity of all named parties, and suggests the need for weapons of mass destruction inspections in depth (not a phony open house).  We regard this video as an earnest personal effort that is very informed but also very incomplete.  We include electromagnetic weaponry and neutralization measures in Advanced Cyber/Information Operations.  It also qualifies for the IO Idiocy label–the lunacy continues.

Watch the Short Video

See Also:

Governor Jesse Ventura on HAARP

Japan, Nuclear, Climate, and HAARP/Electromagnetic

Search: haiti airfields

08 Wild Cards, Advanced Cyber/IO, Searches

Six searches so far this morning merits attention.  Although the machine search produces both the master list hit and the original  listing of all airfields (which SOUTHCOM never really understood, or they were just timid), it does not produce the much cooler graphics that bear on reverse TPFID and regional intermediate TPFID (breaking down big air loads into small air loads, big boat loads into small boat loads, and for the really clever, peace jumpers calling in the geospatially accurate para-drops.  In Operations Other than War (OOTW), communications and intelligence from the bottom up rule–command & control is displaced by coordination & collaboration, and the “art” is in getting peace jumpers in IMMEDIATELY (like Smoke Jumpers, they don't assume a safe landing), and then start streaming in paradrops, small air, and so on.   The locals are not stupid–they will connect peace jumper with salvation the minute the first pallet of water hits the dirt.  Information is a substitute for violence.  Alvin Toffler was the first to get it.


Haiti Rolling Update from 20100120…

22 Jan  Reference: Haiti Airfields 101

Human in the Loop:

12 Jan Journal: Haiti Earthquake CAB 21 Sequence of Events

18 Jan  Reference: Reverse TIPFID for Haiti

22 Jan  Journal Haiti: Silly Question–Regional Traffic Management? Strategic Resettlement?

New Since Then:

Continue reading “Search: haiti airfields”