Owl: Eugenics Update – “Good Club,” Vaccines to Abort, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, David Rockefeller, Population Control Of, By, and For the Elite

We don’t make this stuff up. Bill Gates Talks ‘Vaccines to Reduce Population’ by F. William Engdahl Financial Sense Editorials Archive, 4 March 2010 Microsoft founder and one of the world’s wealthiest men, Bill Gates, projects an image of a benign philanthropist using his billions via his (tax exempt) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to …

Chuck Spinney: Spain Blocks Scotland For Wrong Reasons

Thanks be to Tony Blair and Bill Clinton for giving us the Kosovo narco statelet — a gift that keeps on giving.  Think of the opportunities after achieving the near-term options discussed below: Occitania and Bretagnia, Flemishia and Walloonia, and then to the big game: Schleswigia, Bavaria, Thuringia, Pomerania, Silesia, Prussia and the endless opportunities to …

Robert Steele: On the Record – 4% of the Force Takes 80% of the Casualties, Receives 1% of the Pentagon Budget

Inspired by the extraordinary ignorance of all the Republican participants in the primaries, less Ron Paul, a FACT has emerged that is of such importance that I am moved to upgrade the Event Report I did on 27 September 2010, recording the wisdom and knowledge of MajGen Robert Scales, USA (Ret) PhD, speaking at the …