Review (Guest): Global Risks 2011 – Governance Failures & Economic Disparity (World Economic Forum)

Phi Beta Iota:  The interactive edition is well worth going through.  Below are highlights from our own review. Six Risks Stand Out:  Fiscal crisis, Geopolitical Conflict, Climate Change, Extreme Energy Price Volatility, Economic Disparity, Global Governance Failure. Risk Interconnectivity Map:  Central to the map are Economic Disparity and Global Governance Failures.  Three clusters add depth …

Event: 3 Aug DC DNI IARPA The OSINT Frontier…

Proposers’ Day Notice for the IARPA Open Source Indicators (OSI) Program Solicitation Number: IARPA-BAA-11-11(pd) Agency: Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office: Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity Location: IARPA1 Solicitation Number: IARPA-BAA-11-11(pd) Notice Type: Presolicitation Synopsis: Added: Jul 01, 2011 2:52 pm Complete information below the line.

Review: The Philanthropy of George Soros – Building Open Societies

UPDATE 30 June to add link to Notes on, and Video of George Soros and Aryeh Neier discussing the theme.  See also his full essay online with comment: George Soros Nails It: Intelligence with Integrity Chuck Sudetic 6 Star Special–Soros Out-Grows Broken System, June 24, 2011 On its own merits, without the Foreword from George …

Event: 26 Oct 2011 Assisi Italy Pope, Peace, & Prayer — 5th Inter-Faith Event Since 1986 — Terms of Reference…

UPDATED 26 October 2011 (Vatican focus on global financial reform / authority, need for ethics – avoids addressing secular corruption as we suggested in below letter sent January 2011) Penguin: Vatican Calls for World Government…Oopps Vatican, Ethics, & Truth I (Full Text Online for Google Translate) Vatican, Ethics, & Truth II (Full Text Online for …

Bio-War via Food: US Attacking Germany/Europe?

Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered to produce human fatalities Monday, June 06, 2011 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of EXTRACT: Although the actual process is more complicated than this, the upshot is that creating a strain of e.coli that’s resistant to eight classes of antibiotics requires repeated, sustained …