AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 26 Oct 09

Hot Topics AA: AFRICOM: Just another Western tool of de facto colonization 10/23/09 BW: Botswana elects first female Speaker 10/21/09 CD: DRC foils coup 10/21/09 DJ: Djibouti Rejects Alleged Destabilization Role in Somalia 10/21/09 GM: Gambia: State Guards Commander Demoted, Dismissed 10/22/09 GN: Expat mining execs flee Guinea on security concern 10/25/09 NG: MEND declares …

Event: 27-28 Oct 09 Denmark International Workshop on Counterterrorism and Open Source Intelligence

The International Workshop on Counterterrorism and Open Source Intelligence is one of the most significant events in the field of counterterrorism and open source intelligence today. The workshop is an opportunity for researchers, professionals, law enforcement officers, intelligence agencies, and industry decision makers to establish professional relationships and serves as a platform for the formation …

Event Report CORRECTED LINKS: Responding to Real Time Information, Open Systems and the Obama IT Vision [Google-Microsoft Meld]

FIXED Big File Problem.  Three Separate Files, each at Their Respectuve Thumbnails. EVENT REPORT: Have you been wondered just how we are going to implement M4IS2* and add to it Real-Time-Processing (RTP) and Near-Real-Time Processing (NRTP)?  This event introduced to the Washington, D.C. environment, for the first time, the concept of operations and related technologies …