Berto Jongman: The Terror Courts – An Inside Look at Rough Justice, Torture — and the Military Prosecutor Who Refused Illegal Orders — at Guantanamo, Cuba

“The Terror Courts”: An Inside Look at Rough Justice, Torture at Guantánamo Bay Wall Street Journal journalist Jess Bravin reports on the controversial military commissions at Guantánamo. Describing it as “the most important legal story in decades,” Bravin uncovers how the Bush administration quickly drew up an alternative legal system to try men captured abroad …

John Maguire: An Evolving Systems Analysis of Sandy Hook

An Evolving Systems Analysis of Sandy Hook Sandy Hook in a New Light: Lately I find myself attempting to fit both personal experience and global events into a General Systems framework. General Systems Theory is an interdisciplinary field of inquiry pioneered by biologist Karl Ludwig von Bertalanffy. It seeks to expound principles that are applicable to …

Reference: Top-Notch Report on Chinese Exploitation of US Idiocy & Incompetence

2013 Mandiant_PRC Cyber APT1_Report Phi Beta Iota:  The naive and the unscrupulous emphasis external threats and internal vulnerabilities while glossing over the FACT that this threat was clearly articulated by Winn Schwartau, among others, in 1990, and clearly articulated, in a letter delivered in 1994 to Marty Harris at the National Information Infratructure (NII) reporting …

Review: The Coup: 1953, The CIA, and The Roots of Modern U.S.-Iranian Relations

Ervand Abrahamian 5.0 out of 5 stars We NEED Deep History to Counter-Act Criminal Insanity Within Our Elite, February 17, 2013 This book could not have come out at a better time, as the neo-conservatives continue to try to inspire confrontation with Iran, using the same methods that Dick Cheney used — in his case …

Marcus Aurelius: Dick Cheney Nominates Sam Nunn for Defense — We Do Not Make This Stuff Up!

For the record. Bloomberg Businessweek, February 18, 2013, Pg. 29 Charlie Rose Talks To Dick Cheney ‘The damage we’re doing to the Defense Department is enormous’ By Charlie Rose Someone said to me that, since you received your heart transplant last year, you’re a new man. That you’re mellow, less strident. Is this true? My …

Berto Jongman: London Review of Books Detailed Report on Everything the CIA and John Brennan do NOT Know About Syrian Rebels, Corrupt Supply Lines, and Operational Effectiveness

How to Start a Battalion (in Five Easy Lessons) Ghaith Abdul-Ahad reports from Syria London Review of Books, Vol. 35 No. 4 · 21 February 2013 EXTRACT: ‘We reached a point in the fighting, in spring 2012, when we needed proper support. We needed heavy machine guns, real weapons. Money was never an issue: how …