Mongoose: General Breedlove, USAF (Ret) Conspired Against Barack Obama on Ukraine & Russia

This is precisely the kind of mis-behavior that the FBI should be uncovering as it happens. Hacked Emails Reveal NATO General Plotting Against Obama on Russia Policy Retired U.S. Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove, until recently the supreme commander of NATO forces in Europe, plotted in private to overcome President Barack Obama’s reluctance to escalate …

Mongoose: Alleged FBI Insider Says Bill Clinton Will Die, Everyone Is Exposed including Elite Pedophiles, Benghazi Server, False Flag Events, All Part of the Final Drama

No direct knowledge, a good read. FBI Insider Leaks All: Clinton Foundation Exposed! Involves Entire US Government! A thread on 4chan with an FBI insider confirms everyone’s worst suspicions.  The Hillary Clinton email server was merely a distraction from the Clinton Foundation and most of DC is in up to their necks in what could …

Mongoose: Bill Clinton Plea Bargaining with the Attorney General?

EXCLUSIVE: Was Bill Clinton Plea Bargaining With The Attorney General? Former U.S. Attorney Joseph DiGenova told the Daily Caller News Foundation the former President “is at least a witness in two criminal investigations, probably a subject in two criminal investigations. He is a person of interest officially to the Department of Justice,” he said flatly.   . …

Mongoose: Trump Wanna-Be Assassin Trained with Howell & Mateen; 100 Others Including Snipers Trained at Covert Camp in Virginia

Kudos to Anonymous who sent this along, and a five-star salute to GetOffTheBS and Attorney/Investigative Journalist Brenda Corpian, for breaking this story that connects the wanna-be assassin of Donald Trump with Mateen and Howell. In the fine print, note that Howell says there were eight groups or over 100 people being trained in the same …

Mongoose: Sandy Hook False Flag Summary from National School Safety Expert Wolfgang Halbig

National School Safety Expert: Sandy Hook Shooting Was A Staged Event Wolfgang Halbig has the perfect combination of expertise to evaluate what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School: law enforcement: Florida State Trooper, US Customs Agent. education: teacher, assistant principal, principal. current school safety expert: trained key personnel at over 4,000 US school districts, and …