SchwartzReport: Seven Sins of GMO Lobby — Toxicity & Infertility — True Cost of Commercialization and Corruption of Basic Science

Here is a very sound paper on the activities of the pro-GMO lobby, and their assault on the integrity of science. The pro-GM lobby’s seven sins against science Peter Melchett Soil Association, 17 December 2012 The role that genetically modified (GM) food should play in our food chain is a highly contested political issues. One …

Chuck Spinney: Obama is NOT a Liberal — Peggy Noonan’s Big Idea — Break Up the Banks

The Legacy of Timothy Geithner By SIMON JOHNSON New York Times, 17 January 2013 Simon Johnson, former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, is the Ronald A. Kurtz Professor of Entrepreneurship at the M.I.T. Sloan School of Management and co-author of White House Burning: The Founding Fathers, Our National Debt, and Why It Matters …

Richard Wright: LtCol Shaffer (Able Danger, Operation Dark Heart) Accuses George Tenet of Shutting Down Able Danger, Stealing DoD Penetrations of Al Qaeda, and Lying to Congress

Another odd tale of 9/11. Ex-Army Officer Accuses CIA of Obstructing Pre-9/11 Intelligence-Gathering Sunday, 20 January 2013 07:46 By Paul Church and Ray Nowosielski, Truthout Offering new revelations about the CIA’s role in shutting down military intelligence penetration of al-Qaeda, Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer joins a growing list of government officials accusing former CIA director …