Mongoose: Five Reasons Presidential Candidates Should Refuse to Speak to AIPAC

Five Reasons Why Presidential Candidates Should Not Speak at AIPAC Ariel Gold, Dissident Voice, 16 March, 2016 1. AIPAC promotes Israeli settlements in direct opposition to international law. 2. AIPAC lobbies shamelessly for the US to fund Israel’s military. 3. AIPAC threatens and attacks anyone who is critical of Israel. 4. AIPAC acts as a …

Mongoose: Time to Stop All Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia

Campaigners Urge Britain to Follow Netherlands in Banning Arms Exports to Saudi Arabia Campaigners are pressuring the British government to follow the lead of The Netherlands and ban the country’s arms exports to Saudi Arabia as the Gulf Kingdom continues to conduct air strikes on civilian populations in Yemen.

Mongoose: Is Israel Uniting Muslims Against Apartheid of Palestinians?

Indonesia Leader Calls on Muslim World to Unite on Palestine Indonesia’s president on Monday urged a summit of Muslim nations to be part of the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict rather than part of the problem. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, who heads the most populous Muslim nation, said the entire world is concerned by the …

Mongoose: Catholic Church Payments Plan for Pedophile Priest Transgressions — Sodomy $50,000 to $75,000

2 bishops hid sex abuse of hundreds of children, Pennsylvania grand jury says In a practice seen in other dioceses, the bishop created a “payout chart” to help guide how much victims would receive from the church, the report said. Victims fondled over their clothes were to be paid $10,000 to $25,000; fondled under their …

Mongoose: Preview of Google’s Plan to Control Hate Speech

We are not making this up. Kiddle: Google-powered safe search engine for children Kiddle combines Google’s Safe Search filter with editorially controlled keyword and site blacklists. Basically, it prevents you from running searches for specific words or phrases, and blocks certain sites from appearing in the results at all.