Mongoose: Hyperledger Blockchain Project

Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger Project Announces 30 Founding Members and Code Proposals To Advance Blockchain Technology The intent to form the Hyperledger Project, an open source project to advance the blockchain digital technology for recording and verifying transactions, was announced at the end of 2015.

Mongoose: US Corruption Goes Parabolic — Bitchain as a Control Vehicle for Confiscating Money

The Corruption In The U.S. Has Reached Insane Levels – Dave Kranzler A digital currency system not only will enable the Government to monitor everything you do with your money, it will also enable them to more easily “corral” any money you keep in a bank in order to use that capital for the bail-ins which …

Mongoose: New Film Expose Neocon Coup

Important New Film Exposes Neocon Stranglehold on Washington Fascinating and frightening, hard to watch at times, but important and ultimately very compelling Enter Robbie Martin’s film seriesA Very Heavy Agenda.

Mongoose: US Navy Director of Naval Intelligence Barred from Seeing Classified — No One Cares — Classified Irrelevant?

Only in America. The criminal irresponsibility continues. The admiral in charge of Navy intelligence has not been allowed to see military secrets for years For more than two years, the Navy’s intelligence chief has been stuck with a major handicap: He’s not allowed to know any secrets. Vice Adm. Ted “Twig” Branch has been barred …