Mongoose: New Cold War Ramps Up

Russia dabbles in US game… A new Cold War’: Washington investigates Russian funding of European political parties James Clapper, the U.S. head of national intelligence, has been instructed by Congress to conduct a major review of clandestine Russian funding of European parties over the past decade.

Mongoose: Earth Now Has a Planetary Defense Officer — at NASA

Only against cosmic threats, not self-immolation. How NASA’s planetary defense officer will protect Earth from asteroids The job description for planetary defense officer, the official title for the head of NASA’s newly formed Planetary Defense Coordination Office, essentially boils down to this: Protect the planet from collisions with a near-Earth object such as an asteroid …

Mongoose: EPA Finally Admits that Pesticides Kill Bees

The EPA Finally Admitted That the World’s Most Popular Pesticide Kills Bees—20 Years Too Late Bees are dying in record numbers—and now the government admits that an extremely common pesticide is at least partially to blame. For more than a decade, the Environmental Protection Agency has been under pressure from environmentalists and beekeepers to reconsider …

Mongoose: Government Treason in Flint, Michigan

Classic government arrogance, corruption, and ignorance….treason. Flint Wants Safe Water, and Someone to Answer for Its Crisis In a scathing initial report last month, a task force appointed by Mr. Snyder found that the State Department of Environmental Quality’s response to health concerns “was often one of aggressive dismissal, belittlement and attempts to discredit these …