Mongoose: ISIS Leader “We Are Funded By The Obama Administration”

ISIS Leader: We Are Funded By The Obama Administration Yousaf al Salafi, a man believed to be the Pakistani commander of Islamic State (ISIS), claims that  confessed that he has been receiving money through the United States. Al-Salafi made his claims during an interrogation by the Pakistani government. Salafi confessed that he “received money to …

Mongoose: Paris 11/13 False Flag YouTubes

YouTube (10:40) 993,015 Views. Political author Gearoid O Colmain discusses the Paris attacks with RT International YouTube (10:14) 620,398 Views. Paris Attack False Flag: Conspiracy Hoax Exposed YouTube (4:01) 243,153 Views. Mossad’s Fingerprints On Paris Attacks YouTube (22:17) 187,748 Views. 11/13 Paris Attack by Israeli Intelligence Services: Ken O’Keefe”>11/13 Paris Attack by Israeli Intelligence Services: …

Mongoose: Classifying History for the Wrong Reasons — the Dangers of Secrecy as an Enabler of Inadvertent Nuclear War

[UK] Security chiefs block release of report on 1983 Soviet nuclear scare Security chiefs are trying to block the release of documents that would shed fresh light on how Britain and the US came close to provoking a Soviet nuclear attack. They are insisting that a report, The Detection of Soviet Preparations for War Against …