Stephen E. Arnold: Now Big Data Has to Be Fast (But We Still Only Process 1%)

Now Big Data Has to Be Fast I read “Big Data Is No Longer Enough: It’s Now All about Fast Data.” The write up is interesting because it shifts the focus from having lots of information to infrastructure which can process the data in a timely manner. Note that “timely” means different things in different …

Robert James Beckett: John Stanton on Data Imperialism & Digital Slavery

Ethics? We don’t need no stinkin’ ethics. Imperialism via Data: The Digitization of Human Behavior, “Social Radar”, Sensors and Neuroscience John Stanton, Global Research, 13 March 2016 In 2007 I wrote and presented a conceptual paper to an international studies group in Portugal. The subject matter was, generally, the use of Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience (ECN) …