Harnessing Collective Intelligence to Save Democracy

Harnessing Collective Intelligence to Save Democracy “The most durable and dangerous ‘special interest’ – the only one that can directly traduce the Constitution – is the political class.” George F. Will Robert David Steele (Vivas) has produced a significant, but short, political essay for the Huffington Post, titled, “Citizens Fiddle, Obama Dances.”   The central argument …

Journal: Barack Obama, Colin Powell, and National Security

Will Colin Powell become Barack Obama’s next Pentagon chief? Toby Harnden, The Telegraph UK 4 December 2010 – – – – – – – Obama’s most important decision you haven’t heard about — Pentagon leaders Richard H. Kohn, Christian Science Monitor 6 December 2010 Breaking Down Obama’s Cabinet Contenders (2008) Brian Montopoli, CBSNews 6 November …

Journal: Rabbi Michael Lerner, Barack Obama, and the Washington Cesspool Update

Save Obama – by running against him By Michael Lerner The Washington Post Saturday, December 4, 2010 EXTRACT:  The basic platform for such a candidate is clear: Unequivocally call for an immediate end to the presence of U.S. troops, advisers and private U.S.-based security firms in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, and replace the “war on …

Reference: Transparency Killer App Plus “Open Everything” RECAP (Back to 01/2007)

Gregory Unruh Director of the Lincoln Center for Ethics in Global Management at Thunderbird Posted: December 3, 2010 03:21 PM Transparency: The Internet’s Killer CSR App EXTRACT: Today “Wikileaks” makes the McLibel case look like child’s play. Corporate executives should watch closely as diplomats cringe under the sudden and violent spotlight. The same scrutiny is …

Reflections on Convergence in 2012, Emergence Unknowable

Executive Summary: Extremes are in active conflict today within the USA, with Transpartisan Upwising being one extreme and the No Labels “Non-Party” being another extreme.  They join the dysfunctional extremists of the two-party tyranny/bi-opoly.  Not yet emergent is a co-creative function that brings together public money, public knowledge, and a public process to create a …