Review: Griftopia–Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America

Matt Taibbi 6 Star Game Changer….Maybe November 2, 2010 This is an extraordinary book, combining gifted insights and turns of phrase with serious research that has a point worth fighting for: Wall Street led by Goldman Sachs has ripped off the entire US economy, and they still have most people thinking that politics matters. It …

Journal: To Vote or Not to Vote, That Is The Question…

Voting, misunderstood This year, fewer than 40% of voting age Americans will actually vote. A serious glitch in self-marketing, I think. If you don’t vote because you’re trying to teach politicians a lesson, you’re tragically misguided in your strategy. The very politicians you’re trying to send a message to don’t want you to vote. Since …