Mini-Me: US Intelligence Community’s Kodak Moment — IMPLOSION — Comment by Robert Steele

Huh? The U.S. Intelligence Community’s Kodak Moment The game is changing rapidly. Can Washington’s intelligence community keep up? Josh Kerbel National Interest, 15 May 2014 Josh Kerbel is the Chief Analytic Methodologist at the Defense Intelligence Agency. He writes often and openly on the intersection of government (especially intelligence) and globalization. The views expressed in …

Berto Jongman: Philosophers and Ubber-Technos Get Funding to Announce End of Humanity — And They Get It WRONG.

But What Would the End of Humanity Mean for Me? Preeminent scientists are warning about serious threats to human life in the not-distant future, including climate change and superintelligent computers. Most people don’t care. Sometimes Stephen Hawking writes an article that both mentions Johnny Depp and strongly warns that computers are an imminent threat to …

Event: 21 May 2014 1500-2100 NYC Liberation Technology Internet Society Reclaim.CC

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” ― UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Open Data, Global Game, Electronic Magna Carta, .nyc, Privacy, Open Hardware, Inclusive Access, …

Event: 1 June Deadline Call for Papers Intelligence Studies Section International Studies Association

Phi Beta Iota: This would be a good year to begin begin serious about public intelligence (decision-support) and the necessarily deep integration of education, intelligence, and research, when a Smart Nation is created  through the proper development of M4IS2 and OSE. We strongly encourage prospective presenters from across the eigth tribes and the four domains, …

Reflections: Appraisal of Analytic Foundations – Email Provided, Feedback Solicited – UPDATED

SHORT URL: I was thinking this morning about how little has changed since I was a founding member of the Advanced Information Processing and Analysis Steering Group (AIPASG) and also a member of the Information Handling Committee (IHC) for the US secret world (late 1980’s early 1990’s). I note in passing my continued dismay …

Patrick Meier: An Introduction to Humanitarian UAVs – Comment by Robert Steele

An Introduction to Humanitarian UAVs and their Many Uses Satellite images have been used to support humanitarian efforts for decades. Why? A bird’s eye view of a disaster-affected area simply captures far more information than most Earth-based data-collection technologies can. In short, birds have more situational awareness than we do. In contrast to satellites, UAVs offer significantly …