Stephen E. Arnold: Free White Paper on Free Visual Tools

Free White Paper on Free Visual Tools We recently found a free white paper on free visual tools that can present your information in a free-flowing form. These visual tools offer a way to spice up information presentation. The article, “Guide comparatif des outils gratuits de cartographie de l’information” located at Les Infostrateges summarizes a …

Jean Lievens: Diana Filippova from Paris – Collective Intelligence or Digital Total War?

Of cooperation between men and machine For a peer-to-peer approach to collective intelligence It’s eight a.m. on a Monday morning in 2007. In the Arcueil examination centre, a thousand heads crane with difficulty over wooden desks that are damaged by pens scratching across thin sheets of paper. Railway lines surround the enclave; trains make the …

Open Mind: Divide and Conquer with Misinformation — Heal and Unite with Truth

Divide and Conquer I have not posted for a while because, honestly, it has gotten so difficult to differentiate between truth and disinformation (for me at least). One noted blog author that I trust, claims that only 6% of the information found on mainstream media is true, and only about 30% found on the internet. …