Robert Steele: Cutting the US Military Budget – and Firing the Civilian and Uniformed “Leaders” Betraying the Public Trust + RECAP

On those rare occasions when two of our contributing editors hold diametrically opposite views, I am asked to come back and blend them.  Here are my premises, followed by a selection of articles that represent both sides of the argument. 1.  Neither Barack Obama nor Leon Panetta have a clue.  They are posturing on the …

Theophilis Goodyear: Republican Talking Points Against Occupy – Flip the List for Occupy Talking Points Against Republicans

ORLANDO, Fla. — The Republican Governors Association met this week in Florida to give GOP state executives a chance to rejuvenate, strategize and team-build. But during a plenary session on Wednesday, one question kept coming up: How can Republicans do a better job of talking about Occupy Wall Street? “I’m so scared of this anti-Wall …

Michel Bauwens: Occupy and P2P

I strongly recommend watching the whole program, it’s an excellent discussion: “How does the Occupy Wall Street movement move from “the outrage phase” to the “hope phase,” and imagine a new economic model? Occupy Everywhere: Michael Moore, Naomi Klein on Next Steps for the #OccupyWallStreet Movement See Also: Michel Bauwens – Setting the broader context …