Search: open education / digital learning [as of 30 Oct 2012]

Open education has at least three components:  free access to learning resources; digital access to formerly analog learning resoources (e.g. instructors in classrooms); and learning accomplishment validation (becoming common) or credentialing (rare at this time).  More broadly defined, open education is “root” for any society desiring to be both democratic and prosperous.  Open education has …

Marcus Aurelius: Secretary Harold Brown on Cutting Service Secretaries

Dr. Brown paints Service Secretaries, in the terms my father would have used, as “spare gear.”) A Better Place To Cut To protect military programs, get rid of redundant service secretaries By Harold Brown Washington Post, October 19, 2012, Pg. 21 The four military services in the Defense Department differ in their roles, missions and …

Marcus Aurelius: Mike Hayden Says Obama’s Military Comments Not ‘Presidential’

Hayden: Obama’s Military Comments Not ‘Presidential’ President Obama’s response to Mitt Romney comments on the size of the U.S. Navy during Monday’s debate did not “play well” with American voters, former CIA Director Michael Hayden tells Newsmax. Romney complained that the Navy is “smaller now than any time since 1917.” Obama responded: “We also have …

Mini-Me: REPLAY Future of the USA in 3 Parts

Huh? The future of the USA – 2012-2016: An insolvent and ungovernable United States (first part) Thus, according to LEAP/E2020, the 2012 election year, which opens against the backdrop of economic and social depression, complete paralysis of the federal system (3), strong rejection of the traditional two-party system and a growing questioning of the relevance …

Chuck Spinney – Cogent Analysis pf Arab Spring Seven Key Challenges Not Available from CIA or Department of State – Plus Personal Appeal for Contributions to Keep CounterPunch Going

Jeffrey St Claire, the editor at Counterpunch has given me permission to distribute the attached essay, “The Arab Spring at the Crossroads,” by  Esam Al-Amin.  It was published in the subscription edition of Counterpunch and is not available at the CP website.  Al-Amin, who I do not know, has written a very informative summary of …

David Isenberg: The True Cost (Locally) of Military Strikes Against Iranian Nuclear Targets + Iran Nuclear Meta-RECAP

The Myth of “Surgical Strikes” on Iran By David Isenberg TIME Battleland | October 18, 2012 For all the years that the world has focused on the confrontation between Western nations and Iran, oceans of ink have been spilled over many aspects of its nuclear program — the quantity and quality of its enriched uranium, …