Matthew Ehret: The Ugly Truth of John Maynard Keynes and the Battle of Bretton Woods

The Ugly Truth of John Maynard Keynes and the Battle of Bretton Woods Seventy-five years of revisionist historians largely funded by the British Roundtable/Chatham House and its American branch (The Council on Foreign Relations) have obstructed the true anti-imperial nature of the founding intention of Bretton Woods and the post war order centered on the …

Caitlin Johnstone: A Race Between Revolution And Robotics: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

A Race Between Revolution And Robotics: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix Basically we’re looking at a race to see if the deterioration of material conditions inherent in capitalism leads to mass-scale revolution before the plutocrats have the technological and legal ability to roll out robot and drone security forces. We’re fed non-stop …

Edwin Jewett: The Climate Emergency Calls for a New Approach to Mental Health

The Climate Emergency Calls for a New Approach to Mental Health Yves here. I don’t mean to sound churlish, but devastation is a regular feature of human experience. It’s not hard to make a list. The firebombings of World War II. The Black Plague. The Mongol conquests. The US naplaming much of Laos. One can …

ZeroHedge: “It Won’t Be Pleasant” – Mark Carney Unveils Dystopian New World To Combat Climate ‘Crisis’

“It Won’t Be Pleasant” – Mark Carney Unveils Dystopian New World To Combat Climate ‘Crisis’ In his book Value(s): Building a Better World for All, Mark Carney, former governor both of the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England, claims that western society is morally rotten, and that it has been corrupted by capitalism, …