Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Alex Steffen

Alex Steffen has been the Executive Editor of Worldchanging since he co-founded the organization in 2003, as the next phase in a lifetime of work exploring ways of building a better future. Steffen was also the editor of Worldchanging’s wildly successful first book, Worldchanging: A User’s Guide for the 21st Century (Abrams, 2006), a 600-page …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Mark Tovey

Mark Tovey is doing his Ph.D. in the Advanced Cognitive Engineering Lab at the Institute for Cognitive Science at Carleton University, and is editor of WorldChanging Canada. ‘Mass Collaboration, open source, and social entrepreneurship’ is based on a poster which can be found at www.marktovey.ca.  He is the editor of the first book striving to …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Jan Watkins

Jen is a social scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory where she works on the Collective Decision Making Systems project available at http://cdms.lanl.gov. This project investigates how the design of systems (especially those online) supports accurate and reliable decision making in groups. Collectively intelligence systems Reserved for Future Entry

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: David Weinberger

David Weinberger (born 1950 in New York) is an American technologist, professional speaker, and commentator, probably best known as co-author of the Cluetrain Manifesto (originally a website, and eventually a book, which has been described as “a primer on Internet marketing”). Weinberger’s work focuses on how the Internet is changing human relationships, communication, and society. …