Stephen E. Arnold: Open Source Analytics – Datameer Goverance Tools for Hadoop

Datameer: Action, Not Talk, about Data Governance A happy quack to Datameer. The company is providing tools to deal with issues related to data quality, compliance, and security. If you Hadoop, Datameer is taking action, not just talking with regard to Hadoop crunching. With “end users” fooling around with analytics, outputs can be exciting. Some …

Stephen E. Arnold: Big Data Hadoop Hype

Generalizations about Big Data: Hail, the Mighty Hadoop I read “A Big Data Cheat Sheet: What Executives Want to Know.” The hidden agenda in the write up is revealed with the juxtaposition of the source Social Media Today and the technology Hadoop.

Stephen E. Arnold: Is Human Collaboration Key to Big Data Progress and Future of Internet?

Is (Human) Collaboration the Key to Big Data Progress? The article titled Big Data Must Haves: Capacity, Compute, Collaboration on GCN offers insights into the best areas of focus for big data researchers. The Internet2 Global Summit is in D.C. this year with many exciting panelists who support the emphasis on collaboration in particular. The …

Worth a Look: Beyond Data Monitoring – Achieving the Sustainability Development Goals Through Intelligence (Decision-Support)

A bargain at 99 cents, with live links. 42 pages representing a lifetime of reflection and contributions from hundreds of other subject matter experts devoted to the idea that we can create a prosperous world at peace, a world that works for all. As the United Nations (UN) contemplates its most important new economic and …

Stephen E. Arnold: Data Mining Government Documents — A Major Breakthrough?

Searching Bureaucracy The rise of automatic document conversion could render vast amounts of data collected by government agencies useful. In their article, “Solving the Search Problem for Large-Scale Repositories,” GCN explains why this technology is a game-changer, and offers tips for a smooth conversion. Writer Mike Gross tells us: In one particular case the cost …