James Tracy: In Solidarity with Alex Jones: US News Media Targeted Professor for Questioning Sandy Hook While Failing To Do Theirs – Fake News Indeed

James Tracy: In Solidarity with Alex Jones: US News Media Targeted Professor for Questioning Sandy Hook While Failing To Do Theirs – Fake News Indeed Mr. President, I am a former Associate Professor of Journalism and Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University (FAU). In early 2013, I became the target of a smear campaign led …

Pressley & Cromer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones — Sandy Hook father, “Lenny Pozner”, and son, “Noah Pozner”, are Both Fake

Mona Alexis Pressley with Dan Cromer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Sandy Hook father, “Lenny Pozner”, and son, “Noah Pozner”, are Both Fake Mr. President, The emotional impact of the Sandy Hook exercise was rooted in the reported death of children, which instilled fear into the hearts of American parents and made an indelible …

#GoogleGestapo: $300 Million Being Invested to Make Fake News “More Authoritative” — Google and YouTube Double Down on Lies

YouTube Debuts Plan to Promote and Fund ‘Authoritative’ News Following a year in which YouTube has repeatedly promoted conspiracy-theory videos during breaking news events like the shootings in Parkland, Florida, and Las Vegas, the company announced on Monday a slew of new features it hopes will make news on the platform more reliable and less …

Kevin Barrett: Memorandum for the President: Muslims Were Framed for 9/11 – Fake News MSM Silences Us

Muslims were framed for 9/11—fake news MSM silences us* 12 July 2018 Dear Mr. President, During your presidential campaign you made some courageous statements about 9/11. You demolished Jeb Bush’s campaign by implying that George W. Bush deserved blame, not praise, for 9/11, which happened while he was president – he did not “keep us …