David Issenberg: Toxic Contractor Activities DoD Turns Blind Eye – Who’s Accountable? Fast Forward to Fukushima Approaching on a Tsunami of Official Lies and Misdirection

Burn, Baby, Burn Huffington Post, 4 Sep 2012 Remember when rioters in Watts, Calif., began shouting “Burn, Baby! BURN!” in the turmoil of 1965? I’m sure they didn’t have the following future in mind. That would be the various lawsuits against KBR for operating burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan. But we should all be …

Chuck Spinney: Secession of the Rich–Abandoning the State and Its People

Attached is a withering critique of UnAmerican Plutocracy in the American Conservative, written by my close friend and colleague, Mike Lofgren. Readers wanting to learn more about Mike’s argument should read his new book, The Party Is Over: How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless, and the Middle Class Got Shafted.  This book ought to be must …

David Isenberg: Private Military Contractors (PMC) – A Stake in the Heart of DoD and USG

  Negative Views of Civilian and Private Security Contractors Concerns over their cost effectiveness and strategic value make the deployment of PMSCs a risky proposition. More worryingly, argues David Isenberg, is that they may permit governments to circumnavigate democratic debates over the necessity of sending armed forces into battle. By David Isenberg for the ISN …

NIGHTWATCH: Afghanistan Truth Check – Still Hosed

Afghanistan: Special comment: This week Coalition forces commander General Allen said that only ten of Afghanistan’s now 405 districts, in 34 provinces, are responsible for half of the violence in Afghanistan. They are Sangin, Nowzad, Musa Qala, Kajaki, Nad e Ali, Nahr e Sarraj in Sangin Province plus Pol-e-Alam in Lowgar Province and Maiwand, Panjwai …