SchwartzReport: Seattle Data Demolishes Extreme Right Argument Against $15 Minimum Wage

Like marijuana prohibition the objections to raising the minimum wage are shibboleths and myths. As this report details raising the minimum wage in Seattle to $15 has had no bad effect on the restaurant business as the Rightists maintained must inevitably come to pass. Rather the contrary. Republican economic policies the data shows live in …

Open Agriculture Data Alliance

Open Agriculture Data Alliance Modern production agriculture has the potential to dramatically improve crop yields and reduce environmental impacts by enabling farmers to properly evaluate past, current and future farm management decisions through analysis of agronomic data generated in the field. However farmers are currently overwhelmed with walled gardens of incompatible data generated by their existing …

Antechinus: Spy agencies use metadata for market advantage

A 2008 paper by Arindrajit Dube, Ethan Kaplan, and Suresh Naidu found evidence that the CIA and/or members of the Executive branch either disclosed or acted on information about top-secret authorizations of coups. Stocks in “highly exposed” firms rose more in the pre-coup authorization phase than they did when the coup was actually launched.

Stephen E. Arnold: Big Data VERACITY & VALUE Join Volume, Variety, & Velocity (V5) — And We Still Only Process 1%…

VVVVV and Big Data Somewhere along the line a marketer cooked up volume, variety, and velocity to describe Big Data. Well, VVV is good but now we have VVVVV. Want to know more about “value” and “veracity”? Navigate to “2 More Big Data V’s—Value and Veracity.” The new Vs are slippery. How does one demonstrate …

Review: Digital Humanitarians – How Big Data is Changing the Face of the Humanitarian Response

Patrick Meier 5.0 out of 5 stars World-Changing Book Documenting Intersection of Humans, Technology, and Policy-Ethics, February 2, 2015 This is a hugely important work, one that responds to the critical needs outlined by Micah Sifry in The Big Disconnect: Why The Internet Hasn’t Transformed Politics (Yet) and others such as myself writing these past …