4th Media: What Will Happen to the Global Economy If BRICS Announce Launch of New Currency – BRISCO?

What Will Happen to the Global Economy If BRICS Announce Launch of New Currency – BRISCO? Peter Koenig, a former World Bank economist and a Voice of Russia regular, outlines one of the scenarios in which America’s plans for a New World Order are broken. Part I For several decades, we’ve been told by the mainstream media …

David Swanson: Two Kind’s of Countries – Israel’s Dangerous Path

Two Kinds of Countries: Israel’s Dangerous Path There are two kinds of countries or societies or places to live. In the first kind, decent, fair, kind, and respectful treatment of every person takes precedent over anyone’s preferences for how a culture changes or how much effort is expended trying to slow the change of a …

Review: Pakistan on the Brink–The Future of America, Pakistan, and Afghanistan

Ahmed Rashid REF A — 12 Years of Lessons Learned in Time for 2014, October 13, 2013 This is an extraordinary book that required a great deal of time, not in the reading, but in the reflection. This will be a longer review than usual, even for me, because this book contains all of the …

Karl W. Eikenberry: The Limits of Counterinsurgency Doctrine in Afghanistan — The Other Side of COIN

 The Limits of Counterinsurgency Doctrine in Afghanistan The Other Side of the COIN Foreign Affairs, September-October 2013 (General and Ambassador) Karl W. Eikenberry Since 9/11, two consecutive U.S. administrations have labored mightily to help Afghanistan create a state inhospitable to terrorist organizations with transnational aspirations and capabilities. The goal has been clear enough, but its …

David Swanson: Martin O’Malley and the Poisoning of the Children of Baltimore

Baltimore’s poorer neighborhoods have been dealing with Martin O’Malley for years and years, as I can recall from when I worked in ACORN’s national office and heard all about the trouble this man was from our Maryland chapter.  O’Malley, once mayor of Baltimore and now governor of Maryland, may run for president of the United …