Sheila Casey: Photographic Essay on False Flag Theater — Boston bombing involves clearly staged carnage + Boston False Flag Meta-RECAP

False flag theater: Boston bombing involves clearly staged carnage  “Does a compelling description of a terrorist attack, replete with ‘eyewitness accounts’ of the terrifying scene, and official pronouncements, constitute an actual event?” – Florida Atlantic University professor James Tracy.  By Sheila Casey (Special to Truth and Shadows) The mainstream media story of the Boston Marathon …

Michael Ostrolenk: Impeachable Offenses by Veteran’s Administration and Secretary of Defense — VA Whistleblower Ignites Firestorm on Hill Over Stonewalling of Gulf War Illnesses

Meanwhile, 22 veterans a day (up from 18) commit suicide and this is beneath notice by the President of the United States of America. Phi Beta Iota:  Complete story below the line. VA Whistleblower Ignites Firestorm Over Vets’ Illnesses  It’s not every day that a scientist creates such intense drama on Capitol Hill. Kelly Vlahos …

NIGHTWATCH: China Shows Muscle & Gravitas — Syria Shows Staying Power — USA Losing on All Fronts Due to Ignorance and Arrogance

China-North Korea: Update. China’s Foreign Ministry declined Wednesday, 8 May, to confirm the Bank of China’s closure of the account of the North Korean Foreign Trade Bank. In response to a question at Wednesday’s news conference, Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said, “For specifics, please refer it to competent Chinese authorities.” Sources of the Daily NK …

Michelle Monk: PROOF of 1400+ ELITE resignations, mass arrests, retirements

PROOF of 1400+ ELITE resignations, mass arrests, retirements  This post has been rewritten and is being updated.  I’m looking for help, and if you want to take over completely, or help partially, that’d be awesome.. I’m getting tired; this “job” has a high turnover rate.  Right now, I’m mostly taking a break. The link for …

Tom Atlee: On Power — What Kind, For Whom, For What — a Reflection on Moises Naim’s New Book, The End of Power

What kind of power, for whom, and for what? Tom Atlee May 9, 2013 In this article I explore current trends in the evolution of power that have profound implications for our future. This is an appreciative critical review of Moises Naim’s new book THE END OF POWER: From Boardrooms to Battlefields and Churches to …