Paul Craig Roberts: Three Stimulating Books

Three Books to Stimulate Thought 12 January 2012 January 11 was the tenth anniversary of amerika’s Guantanamo torture prison. National Public Radio commemorated the anniversary by airing critics and defenders of Washington’s violation of US statutory law, the Geneva Conventions, and the US Constitution. Listening to the former government officials justify their crimes, I realized …

Marcus Aurelius: Paul Pillar on Intelligence & Policy

Think Again: Intelligence I served in the CIA for 28 years and I can tell you: America’s screw-ups come from bad leaders, not lousy spies. Paul Pillar Foreign Policy, Jan/Feb 2012 “Presidents Make Decisions Based on Intelligence.” Not the big ones. From George W. Bush trumpeting WMD reports about Iraq to this year’s Republican presidential …

Marcus Aurelius: Central America – World’s Most Dangerous Place Fights Back

Central America: World’s Most Dangerous Place Fights Back Larry Luxner Washington Diplomat, January 2, 2012 EXTRACT: Earlier this year, Gen. Douglas Fraser, chief of the U.S. Southern Command in Miami, declared that “the northern triangle of Central America — Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras — has become probably the deadliest zone in the world outside …

Robert Steele: On the Record – 4% of the Force Takes 80% of the Casualties, Receives 1% of the Pentagon Budget

Inspired by the extraordinary ignorance of all the Republican participants in the primaries, less Ron Paul, a FACT has emerged that is of such importance that I am moved to upgrade the Event Report I did on 27 September 2010, recording the wisdom and knowledge of MajGen Robert Scales, USA (Ret) PhD, speaking at the …