Chuck Spinney: War Drums Beat within Versailles on the Potomac — War with Iran Promoted — More Lies and Miscalculation

On 12 December, I described a concatenation of warmongering pressures that were shaping the popular psyche in favor of bombing Iran.  Now, in a 21 December essay [also attached below], Steven Walt describes a further escalation of these pressures — in this case, via the profoundly flawed pro-bombing analysis, Time to Attack Iran: Why a Strike is the Least …

NIGHTWATCH: US Invades Iraq, Creates first Arab Shi’ite State

ALERT:  Iraq becoming the first Arab Shi’ite state, allied with Iran. Iraq: Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki urged Kurdish officials to hand over Sunni Arab Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi on terror charges and threatened to replace ministers who belong to the Sunni Arab Iraqiyah bloc if they do not end a Cabinet boycott.

Chuck Spinney: Democracy & Truth or Tyranny & Lies?

My close friend Mike Lofgren writes an important essay describing the nature of ‘truth’ in the Orwellian echo chamber that is closing the American mind in the 21st Century. Chuck Spinney The Blaster DECEMBER 20, 2011 Are Our Rulers Stupid, or Do They Think We’re Stupid? Propagandizing for Perpetual War by MIKE LOFGREN, Counterpunch According …

Mini-Me: Vaclav Havel – Reflections on Dissent & Democracy

Vaclav Havel personified the “power of the powerless.”  He understood — as John Paul II understood – the value of integrity, the value of truth.  The second paragraph in the article below is all too eerily suggestive of the USA in an era characterized by weapons of mass deception, unlawful indefinite detention, warrantless surveillance, and …